Friday, April 30, 2010

more Seberg


Jean Seberg

We look alike but that is it...I wouldn't ever smoke, marry someone I do not love and let him mold me in the form of Svengali, do drugs, or commit suicide. A victim of this material age.


I don't know WHAT is going on but I'm sick again,the second time in two weeks.Must be the vog. So I took
Vitamin C
Grapefruit seed extract
Multi Vitamin
Thorat Coat Tea
Roobios Tea
Ginger Lemon Echinacea juice

And I did yoga this morning.My throat is killing me...and cannot miss classes.And have to drag my feverish arse to the orthodontist after.
oh well,at least it's the weekend.
Screencap from Bonjour Tristesse cracks me up at least...oh dear,the nose started running!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Full Moon Rising

Last night was the full moon! hoo hah! YAY! I love full moons,well I didn't use to though.I get way too much energy and cannot sleep.A friend invited me to the monthly pow wow on Wa'ahila Ridge, but I have early classes and really need to rest,especially after getting sick last week.
So I did my grandma version...a walk.Twas so nice! Neighborhood cats skittering all over,me skittering after them, no solution, because they didn't want to be petted by a hyper lady with a blinking bike light and wild green eyes.Hahahaha!
I ran into a lady who I used to see on the bus all the time,who is a lawyer,Andrea.She was with her dog,Biscuit,the most breadbox looking dog I have ever seen. Biscuit doesn't use a leash,instead he prances about in front of other dogs and tries to disrupt the whole neighborhood canine population.Naughty naughty!
Next time will make the pow wow though,because I will be done with exams and then going shortly after!
and if a certain Grassy wants to come,she is more than welcome! we shall dance by fire light and sip the dregs of over brewed licorice tea!
Have a wonderful day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

For Your Consumption

People have often given me a hard time about being a vegan.So I thought it was about time to set the records straight about my life choice.
I don't do it to lose weight.I do it based on consumption issues.I find it imperative that we are aware of the ingredients,sourcing,farming and methods which are behind every bite we eat.Often I want to buy a tasty looking orange in the store.I go look at where it's from, which is usually from Mexico or Chile.I put it back.
Think how many gallons of gasoline it takes to drive the oranges to the coast,then think how long it takes the ship to take to get here,then to distribute it.It's simply UNGREEN!
The local oranges around here are delicious anyway!
Obviously cows are not murdered to make cheese,yogurt and milk.However I believe that these wonderful animals should be roaming in huge pastures, instead of barns all day long. Cows have become machines now,too. That is the main reason I do not consume yogurt and cheese.Of course there are other reasons too, I was getting a lot of headaches when I did consume cheese regularly. And I often ate it all in one go, so it's better not to have it around. Cheese is also a source of cholesterol.Both my parents have high LDL cholesterol,and it's something I am likely to have too as I get older, but since I can control it now,no cheese for me.
The main stereotypes about vegans are that we are so limited and our food is so bland.Well I have made pizza without cheese,carrot cake without cheese, I regularly have spaghetti with delicious vegan pesto sauce. They are delicious and healthy, without the cholesterol and fat that the normal versions have. I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables,whole grains and legumes,WHICH SHOULD BE THE MAIN STAPLES OF YOUR CONSUMPTION!
The hardest thing about being a vegan is traveling. Last summer I caved in and had cheese and yogurt,but I will not this time around! Actually in Croatia it is very easy to eat vegan,with fantastic produce,delicious breads,and plenty of canned beans for protein.The main problem is family dinners with older,traditional relatives.They think we are some kind of rebellious freaks who set out to offend them.I cannot speak fluently in their language to explain my whole theory behind it either. I had a big problem when I stopped eating fish, but this won't likely happen.The worst part about it is that if you don't literally clear your plate,THEY ARE OFFENDED TO NO END.
So tonight I plan on dining on steamed broccoli and quinoa.For breakfast I had oatmeal, for lunch tofu,tomatoes,pesto, and strawberries for dessert.
Treat your body well,and realize that there is a reason why it takes so long for you digest meat...BECAUSE WE ARE NOT MADE TO DIGEST IT!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

There Is Nothing We Cannot Do

As some of you may know, I have been an ardent fan of Audrey Hepburn since I was a teenager.There were a few things I found in common between Audrey and I, a love of ballet,tulips,animals,children,chocolate,the countryside, that I noticed right away. But as I got older, and I bought the book about her by her son, the most emotional book I have ever read, I discovered a whole new side to Audrey.
She was such a giving woman.She didn't ever get the love she craved for from her parents,or in either of her two marriages. I have a tremendous need to give love as well. When she started working for UNICEF she unlocked a side of herself, one that was so extremely determined on helping the children of the world to receive adequate food,water,vaccinations and other simple things which we Westerners take for granted. One quote of hers which always stays with me is "Together,there is nothing we cannot do." If we can bomb Afghanistan,if we can make a celebrity out of Paris Hilton, then we can just as easily save a few hundred lives a day through rudimentary water,nutrition,shelter and education!
What I learned the most reading the book is that the essence of life is to SHARE. Share your beauty,your happiness,your gifts, your humor,your intelligence. And it's not out of pity. It's a basic human motive to share. For years I had been existing in fear. I was sacred of what I looked like, what I did, how others saw me most of all. I think that had a lot to do with being different from everyone else,no matter where I went.
But it also had a lot to do with being an shy yet avid reader. I would read about things and get petrified. Or my parents would warn me again and again, until I actually generated the fear in myself. I didn't do anything, I was scared of what could happen to me.
The worst thing you can do with your only life is to waste it hiding, in whatever aspect. I know that someday it will be imperative for me to help others, because I treasure so much the time I spend around children and animals. They do not take you for granted,or hide their feelings. They are the purest essences of life, in that they are open to so many things.They learn and are healed so easily. It damages me so much when I see mistreatment toward them. You cannot own an animal's heart and soul, no matter how much you pay for it.That's why I have never bought an animal for myself. I meet them everywhere.The birds sing to me, I stop and interact with dogs...
But what I am getting to, is to SHARE. You see this computer you are using? The house you are in? The food you'll eat for your meal? Millions of people do not even have those resources.
I do not mean to bring you down,to depress you.But it is so vital in this day and age to be aware that the majority of human kind does not have what we do. So whatever good you can do for someone else, do it. A smile is the easiest way to. It may save a person from suicide, from a fight, you never know.
So do as Audrey and I, SHARE you beautiful essence!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earth Day!!!!

Having been raised a mild strain of hippie, I am SO EXCITED that Earth Day is creeping up! Of course there is a fest at my university,and I am getting bounced up to see my friends,all the neat booths, dance and talk in the sun (under clothing and spf 70).YAY!
Well I'm not the strain of hippie who goes barefoot, doesn't use deodorant,ignores removing body hair, and is a PACE major. I'm a hippie in my own unique way: I shut off the water while I lather, compost, use noni,lavender,coconut regularly,among other things.I have always found comfort,balance,peace and love in natural surroundings. I was brought up camping from an early age, and I would wake up as the sun came up and walk the mile in to the main road, spotting deer,eating blackberries and enjoying the stillness of the day. I meditate and practice Ashtanga Yoga outdoors, and when I'm on the beach, I happily relax to the sounds and smells there.
But what really do people stereotype a hippie as ? Anti! They seem to think that hippies are ready to defend their mossy, damp, sweaty, cavern utopias. I'm here to prove that wrong. Of course there are many aspects of fundamental modern society which I shun and try to avoid.Supermarkets,chain stores, cars,malls, any consumption which has to do with meat,fish,foreign products. Not only are these easy to eliminate from your life,well I suppose depending where you live, but it makes such an impact on you as a person when you are aware of your consumption.
I haven't been to Borders, Barnes & Noble, Walmart,K-Mart, a LONG time and I don't ever plan to be AGAIN! I don't shop online, or at malls, IN FACT I AM DISGUSTED THAT AN 8,000 FOOT MINI MALL IS GOING TO MAR MY TOWN STARTING NEXT YEAR.Well that's O'ahu for you.If you have any preconceived ideas of this island being a remote paradise...well I have to break it to you, a lot of parts of the island are not that way.If you are looking for that, go to Kaua'i,Hawai'i,Moloka'i.
well that's enough preaching for now I suppose.
Celebrate Earth Day every day,in some little but meaningful way! Don't flush for yellow,you waste 5 to 7 gallons of precious water! Same with lathering, and brushing your teeth,and rinsing your face. Those gallons sure do add up. Walk to the store, or to the gym (I find it HILARIOUS that people drive to gyms to work out..LAZY), and always be grateful!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today has been a long day for me so far.I got up at 6:15 and went running.Even though I was so tired and grouchy,it really did me good. I'd only ran yesterday,every other day week something came up and I didn't go! But it was beautiful today,windy and cool, not too many dogs.The main conflict with my running now is that people always come early with their dogs.And what do dogs do? Chase people who run. So there have been a few times where I have been running with several dogs following me, their "owners" in hot pursuit,yelling,asking me to go run somewhere else.Seriously.So I go to to one of the grassy areas between various wings of the school and run around in large circles for a while.I don't use a watch, I just go back when I feel it has been about 25 minutes.I stop halfway through my laps to stretch SO IMPORTANT! Sometimes I cut out early, especially if I feel a tweak in my upper left thigh.Sometimes I just need to walk it out, other times I walk around the 'hood for 20 minutes and go back home.
Also I went with my friend Pam from yoga to our old teacher's class at Yoga Hawai'i.We miss Cyra dearly, she is a dynamic,enthusiastic,and funny teacher. As it was my first class, it was only $5. yay. I was extra tired then and as I unfurled my mat and waited for others to thump in, I worked on energy,focusing it.It's so important to focus on your breathing when you do yoga.Don't waste it comparing yourself to other yogis,or any other people in general. Throughout the whole practice I was very focused on my breathing, even though I did feel whenever the yogi to my left would watch me with not so positive energy.It's important to ignore that.
Anyway, class was great.All the windows were closed so it did get quite warm,and for the first few minutes I was itching to plead with Cyra to open some windows! But actually, it really is beneficial to practice yoga in a warm area, to heat your body up and most importantly to regulate your temperature.You can sometimes lower your temperature by taking a quick breath in through your mouth.But since Ashtanga yoga breathing is through the nose, this is not usually allowed. I did sneak one in though,when I was feeling a bit overheated in downward dog.
We did this one great pose that I always forget! We scooted our mats up against the wall, got into downward dog against the wall,and lifted one leg up against the wall, while at the same time using our arms to scoot closer to wall.It's really great for me,since it stretches out your thighs and glutes.
So I am very happy right now.Planning things for the summer,have to do some studying,laundry,got get some more tofu and juice for the week.
Always listen to your body! In yoga today (and always) I never push myself into a pose my body isn't comfortable with.I could see how much some of the yogis were struggling today, pushing their bodies too much, fidgeting in their poses.It's vital to find peace and stillness in each pose.If you cannot do that, then you should not be in the pose to begin with. The pose I find the most stillness in is this one...Except I have to add that his drishti, where your gaze is directed,is incorrect.The proper drishti is at your shoulder!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Noni and Me

So this day was VERY long.Was tossing and turning all night long,but I did drag myself out of bed and go to campus.Painting feverishly. It was supposed to be a bold brushstroke painting, and I really accomplished that.Finding three different tones for each color and using a lot of paint and thick strokes was FUN.I love to slab on a lot of paint! I tried to do realistically correct stripes, but I gave up and made them large smears of the three shades of black and white. Was going to go for a blue background but Fraulein Kane stepped in and told me to a butter yellow one instead. Of course I didn't like the idea at the time, but it added a lot of light to the painting.Never ignore your elders! Sure you can disagree with them, but it's always important to listen to others' opinions.
I didn't really have a chance to eat a solid lunch,just a NAKED blueberry smoothie, so I was famished when I got back.Made my favorite vegetable grain spaghetti with fried garbanzo beans and roasted pine nuts. I was so full I had to wait two hours before doing sit ups and abdominal exercises and some yoga poses, then I went for a nice,brisk yet gentle walk.I collected a noni fruit, with the intention of drinking the juice.
NO WAY.NOOO WAY.That stuff,as magical as it may be for your health, is extremely rancid,putrid and strong.I scrubbed it on my face instead. Someday!
I've been working a lot on my breathing in yoga..sometimes it's painful when new people are in class and jumping to try to do EVERY POSE.They don't follow Ujayyi, the traditional breathing (through the nose and in the throat) at all, so they are losing the whole meaning of the series!
Here are some of my favorite poses.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THESE!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Beach Bunny

I went to the beach today,even though it wasn't my beloved Lanikai, and it was SO beautiful.Sigh.The sun.The wind.The waves.But I cannot go into the water until I am all cleared of the dreaded Staph.So I enviously watched people swim,kayak,stand up paddle board (SO FUNNYHAHHAHHHAHHA please fall again people heheheheee) and generally soak themselves in germ and disease infested water.So I ain't missing out on much!
Nodding off on the towel is one of my talents,but I stayed awake for the full three hours.
Slathered up numerous times with spf 70,hid under my spf 45 shirt and towels at one point,but gave up and got a few shades darker in the end.Very honey colored now.
Volim plaze!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I wish to be...a sedentary farm lady

Fern Hill

by Dylan Thomas

Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs
About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,
The night above the dingle starry,
Time let me hail and climb
Golden in the heydays of his eyes,
And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns
And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
Trail with daisies and barley
Down the rivers of the windfall light.

And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns
About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,
In the sun that is young once only,
Time let me play and be
Golden in the mercy of his means,
And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves
Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,
And the sabbath rang slowly
In the pebbles of the holy streams.

All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay
Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air
And playing, lovely and watery
And fire green as grass.
And nightly under the simple stars
As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away,
All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars
Flying with the ricks, and the horses
Flashing into the dark.

And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white
With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all
Shining, it was Adam and maiden,
The sky gathered again
And the sun grew round that very day.
So it must have been after the birth of the simple light
In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm
Out of the whinnying green stable
On to the fields of praise.

And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house
Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,
In the sun born over and over,
I ran my heedless ways,
My wishes raced through the house high hay
And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows
In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs
Before the children green and golden
Follow him out of grace.

Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me
Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,
In the moon that is always rising,
Nor that riding to sleep
I should hear him fly with the high fields
And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land.
Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Proust Questionarre

thought this would be fun..
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
poverty struck, without a hope, which unfortunately so many are today
Where would you like to live?
somewhere with lots of trees,flowers,animals,and the man I love
What is your idea of earthly happiness?
any kind of positive energy around the man I love,with children and animals too
what faults do you feel most indulgent?
gluttonous at times, and I love to be lazy
Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
Claudine,Don Quixote
Who are your favorite characters in history?
Sacagawea,Colette,John Muir,Marc Chagall
Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
Harriet Tubman,Audrey Hepburn,Florence Nightingale,Laura Ingalls Wilder,Julia Butterfly Hill
Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Claudine again, Ma in the Little House books
Your favorite painter?
March Chagall,Henri Matisse
Your favorite musician?
Alexander Borodin,Jean Sibelius
The quality you most admire in a man?
love and not afraid to show it
The quality you most admire in a woman?
Your favorite virtue?
positive energy and it's powers
Your favorite occupation?
cuddling any cat or person I love
Who would you have liked to be?
a professional ballet dancer, I love to dance.

Morning Morning!

This is what I feel like right now: hyper and happy and well rested.I don't drink caffeine at all! I didn't feel so well yesterday, had too much olive and roughage over the weekend.So I had a nice calming soup for dinner,made peppermint tea and then made another dinner for the others. Then I went for a long walk because I came home with a migraine and didn't exercise at all, just my usual ab stuff and weights.
Oh the weight exercises are really good for your core,that's the only reason I do them.Who cares if your muscles are visible or not ?!
So I have 5 pound weights,actually 3 pounds is supposed to be the best weight for women to use without making their muscles bulky.I found one under my bed...oh well.
Anyway hold one weight in each hand and stand in tree pose, one leg ABOVE your knee,not resting on or against your knee.Extend your arms(holding the weights) behind,hold for five counts,and come back to starting posture.Do this eight times,then switch legs.
The other exercise is to lie down,preferably on a towel,you never know what's on the floor. Pick up the weights again. Extend your chest and legs upward and contract your abs, hold for five counts,and come back to the starting posture.Repeat seven times.
I found these great exercises in a issue of Shape,there were all these varied exercises combining yoga and weights.These are the only ones that have stuck with me for two years! The others were things such as doing a version of Triangle pose with the weights,which bothered my back. When I am traveling I try to remember to do these with cans of soup or beans, or even medium weight books.
I do them two or three times a week, it's important to change your routine every day.If you do sit ups every day, the muscles become too used to them and they aren't stimulated at all.I tried to explain this to my father, who also does them the wrong way.He uses his biceps to lift up his chest when does sit ups, so his abs don't get used at all. Don't ever try to give advice to men about working out is all I can say.It's like I insulted him...
Who ever said women were the weaker sex?!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dietary Friends and Foes

I thought it was about time to write about my diet,no not dieting.Your diet.What to consume, try not to consume, or fail to consume. What motivated me was a book from the library called The Dancer's Body Book by (AMAZING DANCER) Allegra Kent. My goodness, those ballerinas sure do admit their convoluted ideas to diet and dieting. I don't even HAVE a scale!
I wasn't really aware of what I was eating until I was in college.Sure I stopped eating meat when I was 15, but that didn't stop my intake of fish (tuna for Tajna, as my cousin Samantha still calls me), chocolate, bread and other goodies. In fact I've always been kind of hit and miss when it comes to food.I can eat really healthily for weeks at time, then all of a sudden BREAD/CHOCOLATE/POPCORN craving hits me...and continues to hit me until I eat the food I crave.Doesn't happen too often though.
My parents raised us on no soda,candy,very limited meat (my mother eventually tired of making hamburgers and fish when I was a teenager,having gone to an Adventist nursing school she was well schooled in healthy nutrition) ,endless meals of falafel,tofu and hummus. I can recall walking to the PCC store in Seattle and our treat for the walk back would be Tiger's Milk carob bars. However I also remember going to get milkshakes (doubt I could swallow one of those today without ending up in the ER), but in general we were a lot healthier than the average American family.
Our weekends included a mandatory hike and we were encouraged to participate in sports , although I was not considered athletically inclined and became a devoted student of ballet very early. I remember always sneering at the school lunches (disgusting portions of white mashed potatoes, green beans,eew) and I would often throw my sandwich away,although I'm not sure why. I was THE MOST picky eater you could ever meet. I was extremely skinny and subsided on tuna fish, carrots, yogurt,some fruit and chocolate (when it was in the fridge). Yet with that selective diet I wasn't sickly,in fact I never once got ill and I had endless energy for practicing ballet,reading and drawing.
Although once I do recall my sister and I nagging my mom so much for Toaster Strudels that she eventually broke down and hid them in the deepest caverns of the freezer, safe from my father's over zealous critical eyes.He still eats a cabbage salad every night.BORING.
Anyway, the school lunches were certainly worse at my high school: crackly french fries with Ron's hair on them, chili...I refused to touch that junk after one or two tastes. I became known for my hummus and vegetable lunches, would dispense crystallized ginger to Melissa Samarano for her cramps,crunched on carrots and day dreamed of an endless stock of gourmet milk chocolate. I was at odds with food from the beginning.
In my intensive ballet days of early college, after watching and reading too much about professional dancers, I decided to attain the skeletal physique as well. I ate mainly vegetables and ok mok crackers, sometimes only an apple for dinner when I was exhausted from the combined efforts of ballet classes and college classes all day long. Oddly enough I never got migraines, fainted or saw stars then.
Then came my hives stage. I got hives nearly every day for about a year and half.I was so upset and stressed by this, and it was determined by very ineffective allergists and dermatologists (Hellreich you fool) that I was allergic to wheat. I cut out all gluten and wheat,but the darling red companions persisted to visit me everyday.
Finally they went away,and I started reading up more on women's nutrition.My favored dinner at the time was often a quesadilla (always made with cheddar cheese) with lots of fresh avocado, refried beans and salsa. But really,just the past three years have I added vegetables and whole grains into my diet. I go into phases of exclusive meals of steamed vegetables, with oatmeal for breakfast.I've added quinoa the past year, and sometimes I do have spaghetti,which is not BAD for your body (stupid Atkins).
However right now I'm a bit queasy from too much olive oil and roughage.I had lots of steamed kale and broccoli this weekend,along with pine nuts, sliced tomatoes,avocado and pesto.For lunch today I tried to stomach sauteed snap peas, more broccoli,pesto and olive oil.So I defrosted some bread for toast,made some peppermint tea, and am trying to figure out what the devil my system can handle!
The past year I have followed a vegan diet at times (very hard in the Netherlands,with all that yogurt and cheese). If I have mainly fruits,vegetables,and fruit smoothies for a few days I notice my skin and brain get clearer,I have infinite energy and in general feel like a newly hatched chick.But it's God's will that I shall not follow that diet, which causes me to lose weight too fast,get migraines,feel faint and have to retire early.
I'm not a nutritionist, SO DO NOT FOLLOW MY DIET FOES I HAVE MENTIONED.You should not diet, but FOLLOW A HEALTHY DIET. That's the mistake a lot of us make. Whenever you do a yo yo diet, you eventually gain the weight back, often plus more. That's your body saying,"Why the hell have you not been eating enough?!" There's a reason for everything you do eat, and you should consume as little processed, high sugar foods as possible. If you do having a craving for a certain food, go ahead and have it, but don't make it daily or even weekly thing. About once a month I have some dark chocolate,usually Green & Black's.Make sure it is a worthwhile indulgence, don't stoop for Mc Donald's (I NEVER HAVE AND NEVER EVER WILL!) or a hot dog.YUCK.
Good eating!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One Fine Day

I'd been lazy and waited until the evening to go running yesterday. But I dragged myself out of bed at 6:25 (oh the down blanket is so cozy!) and went anyway...and got a gardenia for my dear mother on the way back. But not much is going on.It's been deliciously windy and rainy all day,how wonderful. Watched my neighbors' adopted kids do an egg hunt,so cute,their huge Mastiff dog was even more excited. So just been nesting this weekend.
nothing inspirational to write...listening to Prince Igor by Alexander Borodin,it's so beautiful.I haven't figured out how to post a youtube video yet...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Beautiful Morning

I was unusually cranky waking up this morning, so the only solution was to go outside and do yoga. I crept past the cat sleeping in a cardboard box,unfurled and cleaned my mat, and got going. After a little while the cat woke up and started playing,so cute.Then it started to drizzle a little, and I looked up and saw two rainbows! so beautiful! I rushed to get my camera, by then only one rainbow remained (mysterious) but I got a picture anyway.I cannot ever recall seeing a rainbow in my neighborhood before.I suppose it's because it doesn't rain too much, also the combination of when the rain meets the sun isn't something I see happening all that often either. It was really beautiful.
Now on to my day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

An Epic Passage

I only got a few pages in Nancy's letters last night, I was so tired from rushing all day long and running, but I did manage to get to a hilariously funny part (well for me it is). This is a description by Nancy of when she would have her Oxford friends over for the weekend. Obviously they did not please her Farve too much, as they called the Boer War (which he fought in and lost a lung in) the Bore War, among other things. His most cutting insult was to call someone a "sewer", which he actually got from the word suar,which is Hindi for pig (he worked on a tea plantation for a while in his 20s in India). So here we go...(Lord R is Lord Redesdale [Farve],N.M. Nancy Miford, Jim L.M James Lees-Milne,Diana her sister,Muv Mother).
" I sometimes think that parties here are more misery than pleasure. The argument ran on the usual lines.
Lord R. Why not show the Cavell film, a good thing if we do hurt the feelings of the Germans.
N.M. Why is everyone so cross because the Germans shot a spy, surely we shot spies ?
Lord R. Yes shot them but we didn't begin by breaking their legs & slowly shooting upwards.
N.M. I suppose Edith C stood quite still on her broken legs while they went on up. How people can believe these awful lies I can't imagine.
Jim L.M. Anyhow talking of atrocities the worst in the whole war were committed by the Australians.
Lord R. (shouting) BE QUIET AND DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND (loud aside) young swine.
General discomfiture
Diana (loud aside) I wish people needn't be so rude to their guests.
N.M. (loud aside) Of course we know that your generation really enjoyed the war & what you all want more than anything is another war but as it happens we don't want one.
Muv (sarcastically) Oh yes we enjoyed it enormously.
Exeunt all to bed, trembling with rage."
I expect that the humor of this is lost on most others except myself, some 100 year old Englishmen and the rare odd Mitford addict.
Don't worry, I will have an even more obscure and funny passage soon!