Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bad Yogi

I’m supposed to be doing yoga now…but I was bad! I woke up hungry,wandered into the kitchen in my yoga clothes,and ate a strawberry.Well it all went downhill from there as I saw the oatmeal,the Goji berries,the Agave…and now I’m eating oatmeal with blueberries and Goji berries.Oh pooh! Traditionally you are supposed to practice yoga on an empty stomach,which was a bit tricky when I went to class,as I usually had to wait two hours after I got up,plus I have low blood sugar,so I usually had yogurt or toast or something light.And I rarely have a problem here at home at not eating before yoga…except today.

Which brings me to another favorite summer topic..or favorite topic altogether…

BERRIES! It’s starting on berry season in California,and will be berry season in July and August when I am in Washington! I can’t wait to pick fresh blackberries warm from the sun,gobble up marion berries,blue berries,raspberries…oh what a treat! Always healthier to eat them in their natural season instead of imported from Chile or Mexico!
viva la Berries!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Have I been neglecting you? I think so.Well,tumblr is just so much simpler.My apologies.Not that anyone actually reads this on a regular basis though! It's memorial day...I'm sure people are starting to awaken and hurry off to the beach already.Got a lot of cleaning and organizing to do.A run later.Oh that's right no mail :-(
I made a delicious juice for breakfast,will finish it for lunch
-two strawberries
-half a papaya
-an orange
-one cup of water
I need to give my digestive system a bit of a break,so just lots of fresh juices for few days.Should be back to new soon!
soo sunny ugh

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Admitting It! Addiction 101

For not the first time,I am addicted...to sugar.This past week I was running a lot and fresh fruit got me through the morning, coconut water after the run,and chocolate in the mid afternoon.Hence,I have become a true sugar junkie.The past three days I charged to the store in the afternoon to get my fix of chocolate.At least, the last sugar I had was an organic,raw local brownie made with agave nectar and dates instead of processed sugar.
I don't feel good.When your body starts to become addicted to one food or ingredient,you start to question yourself.I really don't think it's serious, not like other addictions, but I nevertheless don't feel healthy.
Time to make the cut...
that is,until I have finished my last chocolate bar...
Dagoba Goji Berry...MMMM

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Vegans by Elizabeth Gordon

When many people think of the term "vegan" they immediately picture a malnourished, stick-in-the-mud, chopping on a head of lettuce while longing for a Big Mac dipped in cheese sauce. And, of course, as vegans we know that couldn't be farther from the truth. Without further adieu, here is a list of ten things everyone should know about vegans.

1. Vegans love to eat. Or make that loooove to eat. Our taste buds and appetites are in fine working order. We salivate, drool, get food cravings, and can chow down, gobble up, and overindulge with the best of 'em. And all with plants! (Not that we're bragging.)

2. Vegans aren't masochists. Being vegan doesn't mean deprivation or sacrifice—our lives are richer, not poorer, for following a plant-based diet. And we don't get off on hair shirts or self-flagellation, either, just for the record.

3. Vegans have a sense of humor. That's right. Your average vegan is not an incessantly intense, laughter-impaired stick-in-the-mud. We like to have fun as much as the next person; we're just not going to torture animals to do it.

4. Vegans aren't all malnourished skinny bitches. We're female and male, we come in all shapes and sizes, and we're probably the healthiest people you know.

5. Vegans aren't just young, privileged, and white. We proudly count among our number people of color, the working class, and folks of every age. And we're getting more diverse all the time. Because you don't need a certain skin color, bank balance, or birthday to be an ethical eater.

6. Vegans care about people. Just because vegans are deeply compassionate toward animals doesn't mean we're misanthropes. Far from it. We don't want any of our fellow earthlings—whether two-legged or four-legged, furred or feathered or finned—to suffer or be exploited.

7. Vegans don't rely on "willpower." Veganism isn't about gritting your teeth and toughing it out every time you pass a burger joint. We're not white-knuckling it every day of our lives. Once the logic and beauty of veganism clicks in, the rest becomes easy. Anyone can do it. Even you.

8. Vegans aren't following a "fad." Sure, it seems chic to be vegan these days, what with rap stars and former Presidents all championing a vegan diet. But trust us, this isn't a blip on the cultural radar (like the macarena or singing plastic fish). As the economic, environmental, and ethical hazards of animal-based food systems are made increasingly evident, the more mainstream veganism will become.

9. Vegans understand you. The great majority of vegans weren't raised that way. We've gnawed our share of babyback ribs, noshed on McNuggets, ordered pizza with extra pepperoni—and there was a time when we couldn't imagine giving up any of those things. Ever. Sound familiar?

10. Vegans are optimists. And that's because we know, first-hand, that change is possible. We see how our own lives have transformed, how a diet that once sounded impossibly radical now feels completely sensible and indispensable. We know if we can change, anybody can. And we know that every little change means a little less suffering, a little less cruelty, a little better world.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Neeuw Stuff

Ok I don't why I used the Dutch spelling for new-haha! Perhaps reminiscing over the beautiful times I've had at Hop en Grut and that I won't be there for Benedetta's birthday next month.Oh well.
Yogarden was great last night,as usual.I painted as a live artist for the first time,which induced a nerve racking walk down there (you know how shy fairies are!), but ultimately,it was SO much fun! I did the moon and sun theme,with lots of reds,purples and gold in it.Hard to explain.Gary's daughter came up and complained about the purple and how she likes green more..so I put in some green along the side and bottom for her! Ah, the audacity and fun of youth!
Thanks to the crystal singing bowls,I was totally relaxed after about two hours of painting.I was revived with Kelly's delicious raw carrot cake...and transported out of this realm and back by her raw cacao coconut almond "epiphany" (my nickname) bite.MMMM! She is doing a fantastic job bringing such delectable as well as healthy treats to us vegans who don't want frozen or pre packaged! You just have to wait for it..but it's SO WORTH IT!
here she is...http://goldielocksgrinds.wordpress.com/
Right now I am munching on a raw spianch cucumber carrot and avocado salad with some olive oil. I have to admit,I am not a salad person.Give me a bowl of fruit or a yummy soup with a side of toasted quinoa and pesto! But I've talking myself into having more raw intake,in just more than my morning juices.So swiss chard,arugula, braising greens, and spinach have been appearing more often.I don't have the system to digest most raw vegetables, so I usually steam asparagus,broccoli, and others for lunch.
In Arizona earlier this month,I introduced my grandparents to quinoa,made pizza for them,and also a butternut squash soup made from a local one I grabbed at the farmer's market! And their local asparagus was just amazing! MMm
p.s. my favorite afternoon snack:
unsweetened chocolate almond milk with frozen apple banana and cinnamon smoothie.delicious!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Style Secrets

Style is something that everyone, especially women,seem to be paying attention to these days. Rachel Zoe,Amanda Brooks,Lauren Santo Domingo,Hanneli Mustaparta,Kate Young..the list keeps going on and on.

However I’d like to focus on one aspect of style which you doesn’t require you to buy clothes/accessories,books,lose weight,cut your hair,try a certain Chanel nail polish..etc.

Style,I feel, is the rudimentary basis of who you are.How you channel yourself through life.How you identify yourself, interact with people, react and act in situations.It’s more than the way you walk or shimmy, the gestures you make when talking, the pace you set in your daily life.

It really doesn’t matter so much what you are wearing, but your mood and personality,individualism and spirt which truly make you stand out. I find myself smiling so much, full of positive energy, literally glowing with happiness. This really does make you stand out, even if that’s not your goal, which is exactly how I feel.

The most vital thing about you and your style is to share it with others. Perhaps that’s why I’ve found the traditionally “stylish” people I’ve met or seen around so uninspiring.Their look and personality is geared mainly on themselves, they won’t open themselves up, and if something starts to chip away at them, they become a wreck.

Who cares what weight you are? Whether your jeans are black, skinny,secondhand or flared? If what contains your belongings is a canvas bag or a Chanel tote? It doesn’t matter at all…what matters is you.

Love you!

Friday, March 11, 2011


What an eventful evening ! going for my evening stroll around 8:30,I passed a lady on a corner screeching into her phone: “a 9.8 earthquake hit Japan and you betta get your boat outa da harbor tonite!!!” I figured it would be ok to continue with my walk…got home, and sure enough, so much damage to Japan and a surefire tsunami warning for here (Hawai’i) expected between 2 and 3 am.

Then the horns. Those loud tsunami warning horns which blare for minutes, chill you to the bone and certainly scare the dickens out of children and animals.They sounded every hour from 9 pm to 3 am. Plus two of my neighbors are firemen,so they were shuttling off in their huge SUVs between here and their stations it seemed all night long. One had evacuees on his lawn, and the dogs in this neighborhood were really unsettled.

Thankfully I live a few miles up from the beach, and out of the inundation zone, but so many were evacuated. Thankfully there don’t seem to be any casualties on this island,but it is hard to get the thorough information even now.

On a culinary note, have been making pesto alla Tajna (me) quite often.It’s delicious with steamed asparagus,brussel spouts,cauliflower,broccoli, and roasted quinoa with avocado.

-two cups lightly chopped basil

-half a cup roasted nuts,walnuts are healthiest but macadamias are the local ones and yummiest for me

-half a cup olive oil

-big tablespoon of miso

combine all these into a blender/food processor, pulse until ready.

Prayers and positive energy to all in Japan.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Second Sickness Week

It’s amazing how easily you can get sick! I’m becoming quite the pro at it…I thought it would only happen this easily traveling on planes,between several countries in a week,no, you can get sick at home. Here’s the checklist:

watch a movie that really is disturbing,accurate,and true to life..something which keeps your thoughts going,making you feel guilty for having such a cushioned and easy existence.In my case, it was Julia starring the amazing Vanessa Redgrave,Jane Fonda,and Meryl Streep the creep. WOW !

OK, now that you’ve only slept four hours, your nose is running,throat sore,sinuses congested, take some Umcka cold care, cherry is the best flavor.Sleep a lot.Drink a lot of tea..especially Tulsi Sweet Rose,Licorice, and Throat Coat. Fall asleep at odd hours,forget to do the dishes,but make sure to fit in some exercise. Even if your nose is running in downward dog, do it anyway..

well now since I’m on second week being sick, I can effectively rule out hiking (steep trails and low energy are not a wise combination) but can get all my paintings for the exhibit done.Just have to remember…now signing off for a nice hot bath, a nap and possibly some painting.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cherry Cough Syrup Musings

Well here I am sick again,first time this year. Torrents of vog from the island of Hawai’i and being blown in, my throat is killing me,my Carl Sagan book makes me nod off…and I think I’ve had too much cherry cough syrup.Why is there alcohol in that stuff? One thing that people often miss or neglect when they are sick is sunlight..I was just sitting in the sun, it was nice..however I had to put on citronella as it is mosquito season. Being sick,as well as having been only awake an hour,I managed to drowsily squirt citronella right in my eye.I think most of it got on my eyelid luckily.

I wanted to make pesto today,so in my feverish stupor I got out the miso,olive oil,macadamia nuts…but no pesto! too bad! I roasted the nuts anyway and ate them while taking a nice hot bath.Yes,sickness does indulge you to do unusual things.

The WORST part of being sick is that Arun Gandhi,grandson of Mohandas, is here giving several talks each day!!! I’m too ill to make it..and I JUST saw “Gandhi” last weekend,so what better person to appreciate than me?

Oh woe is me! just joking! at least it isn’t fatal…I think.

Back to my sunny patch of grass.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Webster by Connie Fife

author’s note before the poem :savage (sav’ij) adj. without civilization; primitive;barbarous (a savage tribe) n. a member of a preliterate society having a primitive way of life; a fierce, brutal person.

i am the one who talks with the mountains

when i am not sliding down the stream of its face/

i am the one who walks the streets late a

night despite the danger

believing this land is mine to roam freely/

i am the one who carved a mask from a thick ttree

then wore it/

i am the one who raises her arms to the sun

then takes flight on winds from the east/

i am the one who says “no more”

then leaves the man whose fists have reconstructed

my bones/

i am the one who defies the narrow definition of love

and loves another woman

and heals a nation in doing so/

i am the one who meeting after meeting turns

away when men misconstrue my words

and goes on/

i am the one whose stories take our collective

pasts into the future

and guarantees that not one day is left behind/

i am the one sleeping on the sidewalks

who speaks to all my elations as the masses

hear only their own silence/

i am the one cradles close to her breasts

small children

and women who were old before they were young/

I am the one who shoots fire into the veins of those

who cannot re-ignite their own sparks

then gives them the responsibility of stocking

the wood/

i am the one who talks to herself and hears

others answer

then writes it down so that the words remain in

my throat/

i am the one who demonstrates against forced


and uses a shotgun to carry the message clean home/

i am the one who watched as my children’s hair was cut

and cried and wept then screamed “return them”/

i am the one struggling to find her way back

i am the one who uses brushes to paint my resistance

on a canvas

then hangs my tapestry across the horizon/

i am the one whose son died of AIDS while a piece

of myself died each day and couldn’t halt either

then buried my child/

i am the one who was raped by father then

my uncle

and spent years hiding then decided to change it all

and used all my rage to castrate my memory of them

and healed myself with love/

i am the one who late at night screams and howls

and hears voices answer/

i am the one whose death was intended

and didn’t die

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Speak Now,Live Now

Another week,another revolution of youth in yet another country. Maybe some people think that way,but in my opinion it’s a reawakening that is happening in the world these days. Thanks to twitter and facebook, we can have the truthful and unedited footage,updates and news of what is happening thousands of miles away, in places we haven’t been, indeed places where we have no sense of the people,culture,traditions and issues which are so relevant in developing a basic image of the country.

Power is the strongest force in the world. Power from a backwards militia regime, with its old fashioned henchmen of tanks, religious brainwashing, and crippling secret informants, is the downfall of this past century. So many millions have suffered, have been the price payed, and for what? For some seemingly Biblical promises of wealth,happiness,community, empty promises which were never fulfilled. Brainwashing is the most subtle tool in humanity, a skill which has been polished to perfection like a shining golden orb.

It is my belief that the most powerful emotions are those of peace and love,and when those are successfully acted upon, there is no stopping the amazing potentials of every individual. Truthfulness is also an important component in any government,in every household and structure. They say that truth hurts, but if we were raised hearing about every truth in the first place, it would not hurt as much as some make it out to.

As a person who was religiously raised and educated, but is not at the present religious, I never mean to offend those who are a devotee of a religion. However I feel that separation of religion and government is imperative. Idolatry in any sense is a crime in my opinion. Of course there are tremendous benefits to the purely devotional aspects of religion, but I feel that as humans we must excel and go beyond the limits of any faith.

Beyond the religious faiths, I feel that sole thing we all need to worship is pure and simple: humanity, the past and future, but the present as well. We all have this in common, to meet together on common ground, on a common good where there are no limitations. The presence of where we are, helping others and combining our efforts to communally step forward is most beneficial in my opinion. Of course it’s nice to do good on your own, but truly sharing not only the experiences and emotions with others is very beautiful. It is completely selfless, and that is most something we must concentrate on moving towards in this day and age.

So speak now, with truth, live now, with love, for yourself, for all, for humanity

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Discoveries!

Well this random little post is about new discoveries in my culinary life ! Lately I have discovered the mighty Medjool date, from Coachella,CA (well that's where the ones I been grinding on come from!). They are so delicious! A few days ago I made amaranth date sunflower seed cashew almond bars, with only a bit of molasses and some almond milk to sweeten.Almost raw, and certainly vegan! I zapped it in the fridge for a while,but it never totally gelled to its suggested state, probably because I opted out of the 1/2 cup of honey.That's way too much sugar for such a sugar sensitive person as me!
I have also discovered almond butter, which I am actually preferring to peanut butter! It's probably lower in fat, I don't really keep tabs on that..but I love it! Over the weekend I was taking a spoonful of it, dipping it in roasted trail mix, then polishing off spoonful after spoonful.mmmm yummy!
And I've also gotten into making my pesto lately! Of course it's vegan! the secrets to it are:

-yellow miso
-roasted nuts, to give it a rich nutty flavor
-no garlic, so you don't fart more than usual in shoulder stand
-lots of olive oil! olive oil is extra healthy and delicious

And last but CERTAINLY not least, Brussel sprouts! These fantastic little green bulbs are full of folic acid, an important ingredient in the vegan (and normal) diet.I steam them, douse them with my vegan pesto, along with steamed broccoli,carrots, and green beans.
So I hope this inspires you all away from the foods you don't need, and which unfortunately our society and country have brainwashed into our minds that we need:

-processed foods in general

Treat yourself as the god/goddess that you are!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Wow...2011 ?!

I can’t believe it’s this year..already! I have these same exact thoughts with every year,however,so nothing terribly shattering on my part. Having just recovered and returned from an exhausting two weeks living out of carry on,on the West Coast. First stop was LA, to supposedly soothe my pregnant sister.However it was more like sitting,playing with Billy the dog,and watching rain POUR for days. I did make a point of walking around her ‘hood on the second day, a cold gray day,around Culver City.Found a great yoga place, but kept missing my usual Vinyasa flow class! Family gatherings and road trips sometimes take preference. Luckily I did my usual asana every morning in a dark room, nearly hitting the beautiful glass lamp on the ceiling!

And on to the dismal,hick town, wasteland of Waterford,with a stop in Bakersfield to visit with very elderly relatives who fed up delicious home made persimmon cookies. YUM.

Shuffled into a huge over garage space in Waterford with Billy the dog was interesting…our daily runs on the sandy canal,complete with disgusting toxic aura, was interesting to say the least.The remaining 15 people overwhelmed me, but family is first and I did my best. If it weren’t for the privacy,the yoga, and the escapes running,I would have perished!

Saw Black Swan, which was a hoot to say the least! As a former ballet student I can attest that Ms.Portman could’ve done A LOT better. Thanks to that film I had nightmares about thorns stuck in my head.

Drove to Sequoia National Park,so beautiful in the snow,like a dream, and the TREES! you just have to see them yourself. Nature amazes and grounds me time and again! some great tree hugging happened,and photos and videos…but alas my Mac’s hard drive had a bad day while I was gone,so he’s at Dr getting repaired.

And on to snowy yet sunny Washington state! The snow and ice made my daily hikes exciting, and I also appreciated sitting on the sunny lawn of the Bull Run Ranch, mediating and blissing out in the sun! Steamed brussel sprouts, endless mugs of Tulsi tea, and a fantastic sunset by Lime Kiln lighthouse made those five days! No phone/internet/microwave for five days cleared my head and energy levels, as well!

Hope to have pictures next week! meanwhile, terribly missing the beautiful bountiful blissful nature,people,community and magic of the Pacific Northwest!