Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Once Upon A Day

Sometimes I feel quite melancholy...but the misconception people seem to have is that melancholy is a bad thing.No, I don't think so. For me it's a point where your emotions are on the point of surfacing and you are choosing not to act on them.A sort of detachment.Is that a bad thing?NOOO.I think it's something we need to do  more often: notice and accept our emotions and then , if they are such that they will ruin your day/mood/environment, simply watch them pass on by.
In one of those rare contrary moods I sometimes have, I'm eating buckwheat waffles with cherry preserves and peanut butter as my second dinner.My first was fried garbanzo beans with yam and ketchup.But I felt contrary.Why not mix up your palate once in a while...

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