Sunday, May 1, 2011

Admitting It! Addiction 101

For not the first time,I am sugar.This past week I was running a lot and fresh fruit got me through the morning, coconut water after the run,and chocolate in the mid afternoon.Hence,I have become a true sugar junkie.The past three days I charged to the store in the afternoon to get my fix of chocolate.At least, the last sugar I had was an organic,raw local brownie made with agave nectar and dates instead of processed sugar.
I don't feel good.When your body starts to become addicted to one food or ingredient,you start to question yourself.I really don't think it's serious, not like other addictions, but I nevertheless don't feel healthy.
Time to make the cut...
that is,until I have finished my last chocolate bar...
Dagoba Goji Berry...MMMM

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