Saturday, September 4, 2010


NO-I am not talking about that new stupid Angelina Jolie movie where she is a sexy female international spy yet again. (I have not and refuse to view Tomb Raider)
mmm right now I am crunching on some delaycous rice sea salt organic chips. Ya got dat right.I only does organic.dern tootin!
It's been super hot today.I have been mildly productive.I finished a long paper for my Art Historical Methodology class. tons of blah blah blahing! It was tricky-I'm not sure the average person could pull of that kind of a paper with equal amounts of inventiveness,sanity and elegance as I do.
You had to chose one piece from a museum,only one museum,only the small one on campus...and write about it.No research. Make assumptions about the piece, its history, style, cultural significance,etc, ETC, E T C. So it was a long day for me.
Plus I had to wait till I got better from the stomach virus to go look at it.Which took about four days.I staggered in, sweating like crazy, jotted some notes, took some pictures,and staggered out.
The other accomplishments for the day:
-making a mess,then cleaning it up
-watching the cat come in all covered in dust and leaves
-watching the dust and leaves slowly fall off the cat's back while sat down
-buying a nice new bag (Fossil)
-not eating lunch
-buying a lot of organic food
-finally finding an organic exfoliating brush
-being cranky
-being grateful.

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