Sunday, September 19, 2010


It's nice once in a while to ramble. However I seem to ramble quite often. In my dreams,when I talk, interactions, you never know.I tend to think of random things a lot right,right now it's hiking,journeying.
And pumpkins.Hence the orange text.I love pumpkin pie.My favorite desert. Reminds me of the beauty and mystery of autumn.Autumn is beautiful and mysterious to me because I don't really have one where I live.
Imaging the crisp air, smell of leaves burning, beautiful leaves tumbling down from trees, candles and laughter in the evening.
Now I'm thinking of my hiking boots, sitting and waiting in the corner.They haven't been taken on a trip in so long.Part of the reason behind that is that they are so big! Taking up so much room.But they are soft and reliable. Someday, I promise you boots,we'll go fulfill ourselves.
and be rewarded with pumpkin pie.

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