Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Vegans by Elizabeth Gordon

When many people think of the term "vegan" they immediately picture a malnourished, stick-in-the-mud, chopping on a head of lettuce while longing for a Big Mac dipped in cheese sauce. And, of course, as vegans we know that couldn't be farther from the truth. Without further adieu, here is a list of ten things everyone should know about vegans.

1. Vegans love to eat. Or make that loooove to eat. Our taste buds and appetites are in fine working order. We salivate, drool, get food cravings, and can chow down, gobble up, and overindulge with the best of 'em. And all with plants! (Not that we're bragging.)

2. Vegans aren't masochists. Being vegan doesn't mean deprivation or sacrifice—our lives are richer, not poorer, for following a plant-based diet. And we don't get off on hair shirts or self-flagellation, either, just for the record.

3. Vegans have a sense of humor. That's right. Your average vegan is not an incessantly intense, laughter-impaired stick-in-the-mud. We like to have fun as much as the next person; we're just not going to torture animals to do it.

4. Vegans aren't all malnourished skinny bitches. We're female and male, we come in all shapes and sizes, and we're probably the healthiest people you know.

5. Vegans aren't just young, privileged, and white. We proudly count among our number people of color, the working class, and folks of every age. And we're getting more diverse all the time. Because you don't need a certain skin color, bank balance, or birthday to be an ethical eater.

6. Vegans care about people. Just because vegans are deeply compassionate toward animals doesn't mean we're misanthropes. Far from it. We don't want any of our fellow earthlings—whether two-legged or four-legged, furred or feathered or finned—to suffer or be exploited.

7. Vegans don't rely on "willpower." Veganism isn't about gritting your teeth and toughing it out every time you pass a burger joint. We're not white-knuckling it every day of our lives. Once the logic and beauty of veganism clicks in, the rest becomes easy. Anyone can do it. Even you.

8. Vegans aren't following a "fad." Sure, it seems chic to be vegan these days, what with rap stars and former Presidents all championing a vegan diet. But trust us, this isn't a blip on the cultural radar (like the macarena or singing plastic fish). As the economic, environmental, and ethical hazards of animal-based food systems are made increasingly evident, the more mainstream veganism will become.

9. Vegans understand you. The great majority of vegans weren't raised that way. We've gnawed our share of babyback ribs, noshed on McNuggets, ordered pizza with extra pepperoni—and there was a time when we couldn't imagine giving up any of those things. Ever. Sound familiar?

10. Vegans are optimists. And that's because we know, first-hand, that change is possible. We see how our own lives have transformed, how a diet that once sounded impossibly radical now feels completely sensible and indispensable. We know if we can change, anybody can. And we know that every little change means a little less suffering, a little less cruelty, a little better world.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Neeuw Stuff

Ok I don't why I used the Dutch spelling for new-haha! Perhaps reminiscing over the beautiful times I've had at Hop en Grut and that I won't be there for Benedetta's birthday next month.Oh well.
Yogarden was great last night,as usual.I painted as a live artist for the first time,which induced a nerve racking walk down there (you know how shy fairies are!), but ultimately,it was SO much fun! I did the moon and sun theme,with lots of reds,purples and gold in it.Hard to explain.Gary's daughter came up and complained about the purple and how she likes green I put in some green along the side and bottom for her! Ah, the audacity and fun of youth!
Thanks to the crystal singing bowls,I was totally relaxed after about two hours of painting.I was revived with Kelly's delicious raw carrot cake...and transported out of this realm and back by her raw cacao coconut almond "epiphany" (my nickname) bite.MMMM! She is doing a fantastic job bringing such delectable as well as healthy treats to us vegans who don't want frozen or pre packaged! You just have to wait for it..but it's SO WORTH IT!
here she is...
Right now I am munching on a raw spianch cucumber carrot and avocado salad with some olive oil. I have to admit,I am not a salad person.Give me a bowl of fruit or a yummy soup with a side of toasted quinoa and pesto! But I've talking myself into having more raw intake,in just more than my morning juices.So swiss chard,arugula, braising greens, and spinach have been appearing more often.I don't have the system to digest most raw vegetables, so I usually steam asparagus,broccoli, and others for lunch.
In Arizona earlier this month,I introduced my grandparents to quinoa,made pizza for them,and also a butternut squash soup made from a local one I grabbed at the farmer's market! And their local asparagus was just amazing! MMm
p.s. my favorite afternoon snack:
unsweetened chocolate almond milk with frozen apple banana and cinnamon smoothie.delicious!