Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bloo Bloo Blaa Blaa

Today is Saturday.Caturday.Saturday.
The day when I can take more than 45 minutes for yoga.I got in 55. I tried to do headstand but did not. I tried to do handstand but did not.I need a wall and an instructor for that.ya see, I do yoga outside on a covered lanai (patio) so I get some breeze and grass and stuff going early to start my day.The cat comes by and alternately falls asleep on a stack of things, tries to break into the huge box holding the bicycle, or watches me do yoga, meowing anxiously for yet more pets.
well I should be starting a paper, which is due in a week and half,but I no want to. NO WANT TO. sticks tongue out at computer.
nanny nanny boo boo!
Art History.oh boy.I do not want that for my career. It's hard me to analyze and criticize in a way other than sarcasm.I have trouble doing educated criticism. blah blah blah BLAH. I don't want to PROFESS. Professors think they know everything, and nobody knows everything, their egos exceed their daily caloric intake and they annoy me.
I already mopped and cleaned and washed the door and that's it. BLAH.
Using blah and BLAH is different to me; I don't use in that BORING context.My friend Arthur has a farm,where he has 25 sheep, and sheep do not "BAAAA!" they go "BLAAA! BLAAAAAAA BLAAAAAAAAAA!" I SWEAR. I was indentured there for three weeks this summer.And two last year.
I want to loll in the grass with the sun on my face AND NOT HAVE TO WORRY SKIN CANCER. damn tropics!
I want to hug trees and hike for hours and stuff myself with blackberries and collect driftwood on the beach IN WONDERFUL WASHINGTON.
But I think I'll go read The Potent Self by Moshe Feldenkrais
YA BETTER GO READ IT TOO, cuz we ain't got 5690 years to rot and worry in this form!
come on sheep, break from the pasture!

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