Today has been a long day for me so far.I got up at 6:15 and went running.Even though I was so tired and grouchy,it really did me good. I'd only ran yesterday,every other day week something came up and I didn't go! But it was beautiful today,windy and cool, not too many dogs.The main conflict with my running now is that people always come early with their dogs.And what do dogs do? Chase people who run. So there have been a few times where I have been running with several dogs following me, their "owners" in hot pursuit,yelling,asking me to go run somewhere else.Seriously.So I go to to one of the grassy areas between various wings of the school and run around in large circles for a while.I don't use a watch, I just go back when I feel it has been about 25 minutes.I stop halfway through my laps to stretch SO IMPORTANT! Sometimes I cut out early, especially if I feel a tweak in my upper left thigh.Sometimes I just need to walk it out, other times I walk around the 'hood for 20 minutes and go back home.
Also I went with my friend Pam from yoga to our old teacher's class at Yoga Hawai'i.We miss Cyra dearly, she is a dynamic,enthusiastic,and funny teacher. As it was my first class, it was only $5. yay. I was extra tired then and as I unfurled my mat and waited for others to thump in, I worked on energy,focusing it.It's so important to focus on your breathing when you do yoga.Don't waste it comparing yourself to other yogis,or any other people in general. Throughout the whole practice I was very focused on my breathing, even though I did feel whenever the yogi to my left would watch me with not so positive energy.It's important to ignore that.
Anyway, class was great.All the windows were closed so it did get quite warm,and for the first few minutes I was itching to plead with Cyra to open some windows! But actually, it really is beneficial to practice yoga in a warm area, to heat your body up and most importantly to regulate your temperature.You can sometimes lower your temperature by taking a quick breath in through your mouth.But since Ashtanga yoga breathing is through the nose, this is not usually allowed. I did sneak one in though,when I was feeling a bit overheated in downward dog.
We did this one great pose that I always forget! We scooted our mats up against the wall, got into downward dog against the wall,and lifted one leg up against the wall, while at the same time using our arms to scoot closer to wall.It's really great for me,since it stretches out your thighs and glutes.
So I am very happy right now.Planning things for the summer,have to do some studying,laundry,got get some more tofu and juice for the week.
Always listen to your body! In yoga today (and always) I never push myself into a pose my body isn't comfortable with.I could see how much some of the yogis were struggling today, pushing their bodies too much, fidgeting in their poses.It's vital to find peace and stillness in each pose.If you cannot do that, then you should not be in the pose to begin with. The pose I find the most stillness in is this one...Except I have to add that his drishti, where your gaze is directed,is incorrect.The proper drishti is at your shoulder!
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