Sunday, March 21, 2010

Summer Planning

My family and I have been hashing out, re organizing, scheduling and arguing about the summer trip plans the last day.It is exhausting but worthwhile, because you really need to organize things before hand ,especially if your destination is an Eastern European country with lots of islands and numerous ferries (and missing ferry schedules online,thanks Jadrolinija YOU SUCK.)
As usual it will be in a hurry but I have organized to have six days on the island with my cousins, lots of swimming, great produce and good walking and hiking around. However I am side stepping several rushed car trip days,which have been hastily organized because my sister,being her totally control freak self, had to go and change their itinerary. So now she arrives four days after me, two days after my father and two days before her husband, who only has five days in the country (INSANITY). They plan to squeeze in Berlin,Paris and Croatia in two weeks...typical over planning which I would never attempt to do. I wish I could have three weeks there, but then I would miss a week in Berlin and my stay on the farm would be shortened to a week and a half, and two weeks is the ideal time for country farming.
I am excited most of all to see my cousins and swim a lot and hike around, it's much more favorable then on this humid island. Dry heat is infinitely more bearable, the water is silky and cold instead of germ and bacteria filled as in the tropics here. I am of course looking forward to time with my mother in Dubrovnik ( we have on measly day,but oh well) however I won't be in Zagreb and will my miss my friends this time. Since they always have exams in July I won't be interrupting their studies though, and really Dalmatija is much more my style than the hot, crowded capital.
Viva Hrvatska!

1 comment:

Oakleaf Organic said...

maybe the bay area will be nice too....