Thursday, March 11, 2010


I feel a lot of things at times, but one thing I am nearly consistent with passion. I have unusually strong tastes,vices and virtues, they are all very apparent.I can't stand to see or hear anyone or anything being hurt...I seem to seek out being alone rather than around others, I need to be outdoors or near a window as much as possible.I'm not a physical person,only with a few people whom I am very close to.
I put my feelings in some things without realizing it.If you've ever had an argument with me, it usually is halted by me running off somewhere, trying not to cry.I get that emotional gene from my mother, but I think my genes in that area are a lot more pronounced.It's hard for me to hide my feelings, I suppose that is why I can be a sort of recluse at times.
Things that really set me off,in a positive way, are windy and rainy weather, hot tea, finding a comfy nook to read in, being in nature, a great yoga class, and petting animals. I think when some people meet me they are surprised I talk so much and have such strong opinions about things.I am literally "secret" after all.I certainly protect myself a lot, probably more than is needed. The only negative thing about being a passionate person is that you tend to get disappointed quite easily. In yourself, in others, how things are done or managed or built. I wish people put as much passion into things and their lives as I do, because it could really change the state of the world.

1 comment:

Oakleaf Organic said...

It's not easy for people to be as special and precious as a lil kitten named Taj.