love Audrey! back to the onslaught of finals...
It’s that time of year again, when people go into a frenzy over dead birds. I have never cooked fowl or meat, and no fish for three years, so here’s my take on Anti Gobble Day.
I’ll make cornbread, sauteed kale something to do with yams,and a quinoa salad with tofu. I am not sorry, I REFUSE to have anything to do with meat,bird or fish in the kitchen and I REFUSE to clean it up.That’s what men are for, we women cook provide nourish and clean, stretch our hearts out very far and our arms even wider.
Hmm I always seem to get off track.
Never having coffee glazed anything again,especially macadamia nuts. Oh processed food, oh corn syrup,oh sugar,you are mine enemies!
The positive energy created by myself and others
Is the seed of happiness of all the world.
Lama in whom I always rejoice,
Turn the wheels of sutra and tantra
In accordance with the predisposition of beings."
"In the tip of the vajra between the eyebrows,
The light of the sun, moon and stars swirls in the drop.
By bringing mind and energy to that point,
The white bodhimind is forever increased."
Gyalwa Kalzang Gyatso, Seventh Dalai Lama
How do you streamline your life, whittling it down the to the basics, the absolute necessities? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.Not only about the material things you have (all those books!!!!) which seem to clog your room, but also about the processes you deal with, the way you go through things emotionally (or without emotion). Refreshment and renewal of the way you are handling your life, the direction you want to go and the perusal of your visions and fulfilling aspects should never be underestimated.
What brings me to this concept is a very beautiful book I am reading.Well,not only that.But back to the book! It’s called Blindness, by Jose Saramago. In this book, one person after another is instantaneously afflicted by blindness. The reactions of the people, as well as their domestic partners, the doctors they go to, is really quite amazing. It shows the depth and perception of human beings of all levels, and how their emotions really make an effect on their lives.
By nature and genetics I am a very emotional person. Sometimes I put too much emotion in things, other times I react in a visceral and dry way. It is a very difficult thing to plan your reaction to life events, which should never be attempted ! Yet at the same time, sacrificing too much of your energy and emotion into something really does drain you. It’s fine, normal and perfectly healthy to put your emotions and energies into the necessary things and people, but at the same time, an awareness of that and re evaluation of the way you emotionally live and exist is a very wise thing.
Another topic I’d like to touch upon is self evaluation. We live in a day and age, a society, where it is normal to sacrifice yourself for your career, your family, to attain a certain standard of life, appearance, and many other aspects. You are seemingly expected to be happy with these standards, to not question them, to be grateful for them in fact.
The wisest thing is to evaluate yourself not from the standards that society is pressuring you on, if you can. A gradual attainment of a healthy self image is imperative.It is not only based upon your physical appearance, but also your mental, emotional, essential parts of yourself. These parts are all significant components of your whole self, and it is SO very important not to neglect them.
At times, the hardest things for you may be the easiest things for others. Do not compare yourself with others, because not only do you devalue yourself, but it’s not really about others in the long term.It is totally about yourself, in a healthy and satisfying way. Not only can you learn to make yourself happy, generate self love and fulfillment, but when you exist on a level of true happiness, all the various aspects of your life will come together in the most beautiful harmony and manifestation.
So don’t ever give up…you may be frustrated at times, which is normal, but it is essential in the long term to devote yourself to the most important and relevant goal out there…
your true happiness.
I find this term very important in life. Functioning with an open heart really does change your whole existence and sphere in which you live. The benefits are endless:
-self loving (only when you love yourself can you truly begin to love others)
-honesty in all areas
-acceptance of the transient conditions of our existence (therefore enjoying and appreciating this life to the fullest)
-truthfulness to your self
-leaping beyond limits toward yourself, because once you set a limit, it can be totally crippling
-healthy goals to attain, which you find yourself accomplishing even without noticing at times
-a wide smile and friendly attitude towards those you interact with
-the feeling of true happiness all the time, no matter where or what you are doing
-total self fulfillment.
So go ahead and try to open your heart…once you do, you’ll never look back!
— | A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Sheakespeare. |
While you tune in,hunch over,rush in lines to see the clothes,the models,the celebrities,the trends,the designers, all the things of artifice, think of those who hunch over sewing machines for hours to create garments and accessories.They are paid about as much as your newspaper costs.
Industry of artifice?
Industry of inhumanity?
We can say “No,thanks”, but so many have that as their last resort, the only way to get a little money to survive in this crazy day and age.
Thank yourself and at least be aware of the conditions in which your garments and accessories are made. Then perhaps you will act with candor and not support the industry.
Either way, ignorance isn’t bliss…it’s simply pathetic in this day and age !
” Here calm is so deep, grasses cease to waving…Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings out love.”
"These beautiful days must enrich all my life. They do not exist as mere pictures-maps hung upon the walls of memory to brighten at times when touched by association or will, only to sink again like a landscape in the dark; but they saturate themselves into every part of the body and live always."
"Civilization makes desolation in the purest, most open newborn fields with their harvests of terrestrial beauty."
"We live in 'creation's dawn'. The morning stars still sing together, and the world, though made, is still being made and becoming more beautiful every day."
Is it? I see malls, suburbanization and urbanization taking over this beautiful planet, raping Nature.
Well it seems I was stupid and ungrateful enough to post about missing traveling, but not summing up my whole amazing summer!
Croatia was like a dream.I learn more and more of the language when I am there.My cousins are just the most wonderful,sweetest,beautiful in all ways.My older cousin had her baby on the first of this month,so I am SO EXCITED to see little Nika next year!!!! Visiting my ancestral village,Velo Grablje,is always so emotional for me.I can literally feel my ancestors’ energy and beings there, even though it was just a short visit.It was really wonderful to see Katica,my cousin who just turned 80.(In Eastern Europe,you never know how many cousins you have,or how old they are!)
My cousin Ivo,who is 85, had restored the ancestral house,so we could finally go in it after years and years. His wife,Emily,is his childhood sweetheart,and they are such a touching couple, finally together after many years of not hearing from one another.
I made some really wonderful and fun friends, swam in that delicious water up to 4 times a day, hiked around, thought, dipped into Kata’s lavender bushes for a whiff of relaxation whenever I got a chance. One time I dropped by, everyone was there but Kata,and she force fed me a huge plate of cherry strudel she had made.With cherry drink! Mmm. She is from the north of the country,near the border of Hungary, and due to the harsh winters, she is a talented cook.
She doesn’t speak much English but we understand one another very well.She is so sweet and kind and curious, but has a lot of stress with her job. Her therapy is her huge garden, which is continuously blooming; the lavender was just starting to flourish when I was there.
I stayed in a beautiful room with wild jasmine growing outside. It permeated the room at night or when it rained. I didn’t even mind the rain, except you must take caution on limestone=very slippery! Numerous swallows always fly around in the wind, and I always think of them when I think of Hvar.
I can barely describe the swimming…..unearthly! The water is so thick, so clean,so clear, almost a purple shade at times, cobalt at others. The salinity really purifies your skin and I would totally lose track of any coherent thoughts or the time when I swam.Last summer my cousin Ivana came with me swimming often, but this summer she opted to sing to and kiss her sister’s pregnant belly.
Ivana and I are exactly alike, I find it really amazing, we never met one another until we were teenagers, but our personalities, interests,so many things are in alignment. She adores her three parakeets and two cats; one time I visited her, and the birds were out,she was playing with and singing to them. She is so full of light and positivity, and is such a special and beautiful person.
Needless to say, I did patronize the jewelry shop where she works again, like last year! In 2009 I bought a beautiful bracelet made out of balls of snakeskin turquoise, a stone that is blue and brown and grey, very unique.This time I bought a pendant of the stone with traditional Croatian elements, kind of hard to describe.I know it’s just jewelry, but to me it means a lot,as it’s made in Croatia, and with a lot of thought and love.
I did not make it to the capital,Zagreb,to see my city friends.They practically disowned me,they were very disappointed! I am not really a city person, I need space (mental as well as physical,space for yoga), quiet, the pace of cities and the combative energy is always difficult for me. Plus, staying with a Croatian, they go ALL OUT to be a host, and it can be awkward because you know they have their lives. The expect you and plan all these things,big dinners,inviting people to meet you, excursions.It’s a bit much to get into ….
I also went to a new island,Mljet, most of which is a national park.It is incredibly beautiful, dramatic, and intense, like all of Croatia’s south. The ocean meets with a large saltwater lake, a monastery in the lake, dramatic cliffs, mountains, views to the ocean. I’ll never forget looking out to the ocean, just the blue blue water, no tourists, boats, noise. Stillness is satisfaction to me.
Anxious to return. Anxious to return and not have to leave in two weeks.
Ja volim Hrvatska.
I love Croatia.
As is often the case with frequent travelers, I am going through Travel Withdrawal. I miss the woods, clean air,space, friendly and intelligent people,blackberries, endless hiking, the whole wonderful sum of San Juan Island. I miss my cousins, the entire culture, language, amazing produce,fantastic swimming,running up and down limestone alleys and stairs all day in the small town, and even the chaos that is Croatia.
Yes,I do even miss the way people blatantly stare at you in Croatia!
above,view of my ancestral village, Velo Grablje, island of Hvar, Croatia.
I LOVE rainy days. I always have.Perhaps this is due to living in the tropics for so long,where rainy days,although not rare, are always treasured by me.I can layer clothes, sweat comes less freely, cook in the coolness, and take moist walks.
Well today it’s been raining all day long.The deck was slippery and cold so I did yoga in my room.The wood stove was lit, and I put on wool tights under my normal clothes.The trip to the farmer’s market was conducted in a heavy Norwegian wool sweater, and I scampered quickly from tent to tent. I had to bag my library books in plastic bags, or else damage would ensue!
Upon returning, I heated up black bean soup, steamed broccoli and kale, and ate them with vegan pesto.Afterwards, I made cornbread and had some warm with Earth Balance vegan buttery spread and more pesto.Then the fun began..
I layered on old long johns,yoga top,fleece parka, ski pants,thick wool socks, and Wellington boots,then headed put for my daily walk/hike. Little rivulets were flowing everywhere,and I could see my breath, very exciting indeed! I picked blackberries along the way, and for once I didn’t have to rinse the dust off them!
Little birds in their dry, tree caches twittered and chirped happily.
And I am happy,too.
Yesterday:a day walking around Seattle, ducking into the Seattle Art Museum, down to Pike’s Place Market, Cost Plus (gorgeous global discount store), a peek into antique stores, a glance up at REI’s rock climbing wall.Disgust at Elliott Bay Books moving out of their three story establishment downtown in favor of Capitol Hill. Delicious carpets in an Iranian carpet shop, and leafing through a huge book on the beautiful nation of Iran.
Next morning, breakfast at Silence Heart Nest in Fremont (http://www.silenceheartnest.com/?pg=home)
Drive up to Anacortes, as usual stopped at the old house used book store.Had only 15 minutes, but deftly scoured the shelves to find a book on Tibetan aesthetics and one on the white settles from the Yupi’k (“Eskimo”) perspective. Napped on the hour and 15 minutes ferry.My, cities are draining! Actually,travel is.
But I am glad to be back to the quiet island.An eagle was just swooping in front of the house.A long walk uphill, and consequently down dusty gravely heights,this morning.All punctuated by scouring blackberry bushes for ripe berries. Off to the yarn shop to pick skeins for a mossy green scarf for my mother. Funnily enough,one of the oldest houses around here is called Mossy Haven.
It’s a windy day,so dust flies all over the place when a car comes jolting down the road.I hide behind my red fleece vest, which must look funny.
A watercolor painting of the house from behind the trees is also going to be in the works soon…
The desert moves out on half the horizon
Rimming the illusory water which,among islands,
Bears up the sky.The sea scumbles in
From its own inviolate border under the sky.
A dragon-fly floating on six legs on the sand
Lifts its green-yellow tail,declines its windgs
A little,flutters them a little, and lays
On dazzled sand the shadow of its wings.Near shore
A bather wades through his shadow in the water.
He tramples and kicks it;it recomposes.
Yours truly is headed out to the airport again on Tuesday, this time to Seattle..well,actually to San Juan Island for ten restful, yoga, hiking and blackberry picking filled days! Which means, packing yet again. Over the course of my life, I’ve been in literally hundreds of airplanes, so I have packing down to an art form.
For my trip to Washington, this means lots of exercise clothes, warm layers for cold evenings, and a change of nice clothes for celebratory birthday dinners. Lightweight wool socks, thermal long underwear, corduroy pants, and a brand new Barney purple fleece jacket are the main focus items of my Pacific Northwest wardrobe.In my closet on San Juan, a woven purple and burnt sienna scarf, red fleece vest, and threadbare sweat pants await. The sweatpants are perfect for blackberry picking, which requires all skin to be covered else you get scratched beyond recognition.
Today I just finished packing, and my little Samsonite carry on is stuffed with neatly rolled Athleta pants, running shorts, running socks, cotton shirts,yoga mat (if you fold it in an alternating vertical and horizontal pattern,it will fit!), a nice purple cheongsam top for dinners out. Not to forget various watercolor painting brushes,eraser,charcoal pencils, pad and travel watercolor set! Alas, I forgot the painting supplies in Europe, so I will make up for it in WA!
Only two pairs of shoes are necessary: running shoes and Simple vegan flats.However, I am packing some black Chinese style embroidered flats for the dinners.I also have the hilarious rubber gardening clogs at the house, so I am sure those will make an appearance, as well as rubber Wellingtons (“wellies” in Scotland and UK).
And last but not least, my one piece for swimming in Egg Lake…if it warms up enough!
Just a few minutes ago, I finished reading a very empowering article in the NYTimes, “From Untouchable To Businesswoman.” This article featured Kakuben Lalabhai Parmar, an Indian artisan from the state of Gujarat. If the Indian caste system still applied, Ms.Parmar would be classified as an “untouchable”, the absolute lowest rung.
That is what angered me, the fact that a human being could (and can) be labeled, limited and totally subsumed by a stupid title! This caste limited Kakuben to the boundaries of her home; she could not go anywhere, interact, or touch anything to do with anyone of a different caste.
Of course there are vice versa cases, such as the Queen of England, but that is quite a one sided ordeal. People who meet Elizabeth have to use a certain title, manner of speech, and curtsy or slightly bow from the waist. Well, why shouldn’t anyone who meets Kakuben curtsy?!
I feel like we humans should treat everyone the same in this world. I have met people who work as dishwashers, maids, cleaners in Red Carpet Clubs who are much more honest, humble,intelligent and open minded than the people who employ them. But I don’t go judging those who I do not know. I feel that everyone should be approached with a smile, an open mind AND an open heart.
Anyone can do anything in this world; you can go from being forced to live in a hut to being a successful, world traveling artisan. And just think, how much further could we endeavor with genuine smiles on our faces?
Yesterday was a very long day for me. The previous day, I took three trains to Amsterdam…usually it takes three and a half, four hours, but this time it was a full SIX hours before I got to my B&B in Diemen ! c’mon! it was hot, in the 90s, and long and I was just glad to get it all over with.
I flew from Amsterdam to Chicago at 11 am, had to be there around 9:30. I hate planes, but hey to go anywhere you really want to these days,you must make sacrifices, as long as you offset it ! The only bad experience I had through the entire trip was my earplug expanded too much, and I couldn’t get it out with my hand! I had to resort to using one of the plastic knives, which the caused the man sitting next to me to laugh so much I thought he was really going crazy.
Needless to say, I didn’t use earplugs for my next two flights that day. Chicago to San Francisco was a three hour nap for me, and as I sat waiting for my flight in San Francisco, who should show up but…
EVNO! my sweet friend from university, who was getting a philosophical counselor certification in New York. It was great to see a friend in an airport for once,and to catch up. We watched one another’s loads (both of us had a backpack and a separate cloth bag stuffed with organic treats for the long haul) and caught up on our various sojourns.
But it ended up that we were four rows apart, so now and then I would catch a glimpse of typical Evno: the only entirely blanketed head for the entire flight. What we to do to stay asleep and calm, oh boy.
Well, I didn’t get a chance to go into Amsterdam at all.I predicted that, but anway I much prefer cities in autumn and winter. Heat,crowds, the energy in the summer really irritates and overwhelms me. When I was in Amsterdam in December, it even snowed lightly, making the air stiller and more magical as you awoke. I can recall the Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit I saw at FOAM precisely, and walking up the Prisengracht, around Vondel Park and the Rijksmuseum.
I think the best way to see a city is walking anyway. On a bicycle, aside from dealing with what turns to take, you go by so fast that you don’t notice specific architectural details, cool places that locals frequent, and great photo opportunities.
And the perfect places to walk are Croatian towns and cities, mainly because you cannot ride bicycles in them! The limestone streets are often long and narrow, with no bike racks, and thousands of steep steps lead up houses, hills, shops, museums and libraries. My cousin in Hvar showed me the library there, and I spent a happy few minutes looking at all the books.
Now I missing Hrvatska (Croatia) intensely: the drama of everything, the landscape,my wonderful family, ancestral villages, the purest ocean, produce, how friendly,genuine and warm people are. Hrvatska runs in and through my veins and heart, and I cannot wait to fulfill my dream to live there someday.
Viva Hrvatska!
It’s close to 100
and we eat fried zucchini flowers, broad bean and snap bean spaghetti and salad
The zucchini flowers must be picked in the morning, as they close up when it gets hot.
They are lightly fried in flour, water, egg (from the hens only a matter of feet away)
Also there is homemade foccacia pizza with peppers and champignons (mushrooms).
Yesterday we had my favorite Italian dish, pesto linguine, it was so delicious, the pesto without cheese for me as only goat milk cheese does not cause a headache.
Last night terrific thunder, lightning, and rain storms pounded the rest of the country, especially in the north near Appeldoorn. We only got some rain.
Throughout the past six years, this area has gotten hotter and hotter due to global warming. Months go by without rain, and Arthur has to spend thousands of Euros watering his meadows in order to keep his sheep alive. This year eleven were born, sky rocketing the little herd up to 25. Unfortunately, this weather is determined to become permanent at some point, and this whole area will end up a desert.
However that doomsday has not come, and we enjoy the company of Benedetta’s parents visiting from Italia. I give the six cats their two annual weeks of petting, and enjoy my walks. Nearby there are two nice small forests, however the poplar one will be cut down for flax in the autumn. This saddens me for various reasons; four days ago I went there, napped and meditated, and experienced Die Kabouter (the Gnomes). It was simply amazing, and I staggered back to the house full of positive, glowing energy.
However Die Kabouter have been playing with me ever since ! I was boxing broad beans and one plastic container disappeared right before my eyes. And yesterday one of my earplugs vanished, right in front of my eyes again. My search ended in vain. Most people are scared or ignorant or in denial of such realities, but the more you expand your beliefs, the more you expand yourself.
Everyone else collapses of heat exhaustion, fleeing to cool corners and cold showers. I try to follow the Ayurvedic method, by drinking warm tea and adjusting to the temperature. The trip to the organic shop was highly anticipated yesterday, and I readied my greedy eyes, fingers and stomach.
I scurried first to the impressive tea section, which I can recall from memory. Into my basket went Yogi Licorice, Pukka Refresh, and Yogi Detox teas. I hemmed and hawed over the loose tea section, but they take up too much room in a suitcase. Then I picked out three packages of suiker vree (sugar free) biscuits, one in particular, Aquarius Sesame, is delicious with pindakass (peanut butter).
Eyeing the juice section but decided to get mini containers of chocolate soy milk instead. Then a small jar of pindakass for when I am on my own for four days. Crunchy spicey muesli, Weleda Iris face milk, and a few things I cannot even recall now ended up going back with me. I wisely resisted the huge jars of Acacia Honing (honey), my suitcase cannot fit it, and I have lavender honey from Croatia already.
Well,time for daily I Ching reading in the shade.
Tot ziens!