It's been quite a while since my last blog post.hahehehehehhehe
but today I am festively playing with my faeries.
Do you have any? I'm sure you do, you're just not aware of them. Some people are so critical and ignorant of the depths of our realm, but it's important to be open! that way,you will find your faeries!
Today I was sitting outside starting a watercolor painting, and all of a sudden the faeries appeared and took over my body in the most delightful way.They make you ever so light and happy,giggly and wiggling in a golden newborn blissful state!
The faeries said, we sleep in pods, so I painted two little ones sleeping in their pods, protected by their mama. Do you like it? I do.Well, what's more important than liking it is that it is a truthful and direct message from the faeries,and that they approve of it!
Oh wonderful faeries, thank you for being here!