Somehow I am cold and chilled even though it's sunny outside.So here I am with a tie dyed silk shawl over my shoulders.brrrrrrrrrrrrr. I still have pain sometimes, and I've been missing classes.I don't know when the pain will start, so I've been hiding out a lot.I missed a dear friend's birthday celebration and I really regret it. Due to pain. So I've been trying my best to eliminate any feelings or misconceptions which elicit the pain, or make it stronger.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunshine Shivers
Somehow I am cold and chilled even though it's sunny outside.So here I am with a tie dyed silk shawl over my shoulders.brrrrrrrrrrrrr. I still have pain sometimes, and I've been missing classes.I don't know when the pain will start, so I've been hiding out a lot.I missed a dear friend's birthday celebration and I really regret it. Due to pain. So I've been trying my best to eliminate any feelings or misconceptions which elicit the pain, or make it stronger.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wistful Autumn Thinking
Monday, September 20, 2010
I find this term very important in life. Functioning with an open heart really does change your whole existence and sphere in which you live. The benefits are endless:
-self loving (only when you love yourself can you truly begin to love others)
-honesty in all areas
-acceptance of the transient conditions of our existence (therefore enjoying and appreciating this life to the fullest)
-truthfulness to your self
-leaping beyond limits toward yourself, because once you set a limit, it can be totally crippling
-healthy goals to attain, which you find yourself accomplishing even without noticing at times
-a wide smile and friendly attitude towards those you interact with
-the feeling of true happiness all the time, no matter where or what you are doing
-total self fulfillment.
So go ahead and try to open your heart…once you do, you’ll never look back!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I Want A Wander
Wandering. That is something I would love to do.Wander and journey all over the world. Of course I would plan where I went first, and safety is always important. However if you are safe in your self, true and strong and motivated, then you will be safe as well.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Place For Me
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk roses, and with eglantine.
There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,
Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight.”
— | A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Sheakespeare. |
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Industries of Artifice
While you tune in,hunch over,rush in lines to see the clothes,the models,the celebrities,the trends,the designers, all the things of artifice, think of those who hunch over sewing machines for hours to create garments and accessories.They are paid about as much as your newspaper costs.
Industry of artifice?
Industry of inhumanity?
We can say “No,thanks”, but so many have that as their last resort, the only way to get a little money to survive in this crazy day and age.
Thank yourself and at least be aware of the conditions in which your garments and accessories are made. Then perhaps you will act with candor and not support the industry.
Either way, ignorance isn’t bliss…it’s simply pathetic in this day and age !
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
from the Unpublished Journals of John Muir
” Here calm is so deep, grasses cease to waving…Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings out love.”
"These beautiful days must enrich all my life. They do not exist as mere pictures-maps hung upon the walls of memory to brighten at times when touched by association or will, only to sink again like a landscape in the dark; but they saturate themselves into every part of the body and live always."
"Civilization makes desolation in the purest, most open newborn fields with their harvests of terrestrial beauty."
"We live in 'creation's dawn'. The morning stars still sing together, and the world, though made, is still being made and becoming more beautiful every day."
Is it? I see malls, suburbanization and urbanization taking over this beautiful planet, raping Nature.
Monday, September 6, 2010

Books books books books,books I do adore!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
NO-I am not talking about that new stupid Angelina Jolie movie where she is a sexy female international spy yet again. (I have not and refuse to view Tomb Raider)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Your lucky blogger has had a stomach virus for the past four days.