Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Traveling Tajna

So tomorrow I go on a journey, four plane rides, buses, walking, oh yes I am so excited to be walking on the limestone steps of Croatia. There’s something utterly refreshing about walking places instead of driving, and to be walking away from cars, through little streets and alleys,the neon bougainvillea hanging off walls, jasmine, lavender, rosemary and basil scenting the air. Croatia is home for me in my heart and my soul, and I cannot wait to settle there one day.

The water is cold and thick as silk, the salinity makes you float very high, and the color is the very essence of emeralds. Of course you have to slide, climb or tip toe down sheer limestone but it is definitely worth it! One bay I love to swim to is made of a rainbow of rocks and stones. I emerge a mermaid, sit and sift for much too long, finding unique ones to bring back. My yoga teacher asked me to bring one back for her for her puja altar, so now I am even more excited to go there and choose a memorable one for her.

Also I will be staying in my ancestral house in Velo Grablje, which has been remodeled and restored. I don’t need electricity, and washing in a bucket sounds very fun! I will do intense meditation there and try to connect with my ancestral spirits. To waken to the sun and birds,instead of neighbors, lawn mowers, cars, will be a much awaited event.

I can never shut up about the produce in Croatia, and for a good reason! No pesticides, growth hormones, or cloning are used. Everything is fresh, pure, bursting with color, flavor and texture. The cherries (hladna) are amazing, as well as the strawberries (jagoda), and are the best I have ever tasted! I go to the market (tržište) in the morning every day and buy what I want for lunch and dinner: brilliant tomatoes, lettuce, greens, oranges (naranča), eggplant. I only go to the store (duchan) to get beans for protein and the most delicious, sugar free juices. My favorite juice is the apricot (marelica), and I buy little packages of individual ones when I have to board a 5 hour bus somewhere!

My bag is groaning with yoga clothes, running clothes, light cotton clothes, swim suits, not to mention my back pack! The latter is stuffed with the I Ching, scarf, wool hooded sweater (great to nap in, provides privacy), lavender oil, travel pillow, 3 ounce containers of coconut body lotion, Dr.Bronner’s, Aveda facial moisturizer. And my container of food is ready to be packed: quinoa, arugula, tomatoes, Amy’s vegan burger, sprinkled with fresh lemon, rosemary and basil. My dessert is wheat free fig bars with peanut butter, and my compartment is stuffed with Roobios, Refresh,Stomach Ease, Immune Support and Eygptian Licorice. And my lightweight yoga mat is safely encased in a travel sling!

At 4:30 tomorrow, my alarm will summon me from my comfy flannel sleeping abyss, and I will eat, shower, pet the cats, and scurry out the door. Since the toddler age I become an expert at packing and organizing for planes ahead of time.

So Los Angeles, Frankfurt, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, here I come!

Monday, June 7, 2010


A friend was curious in what I was reading, and I opened to this passage in the Mitford sisters letters:
(Nancy to Pamela)
"Derel [short for dereling,darling]
I never remember birthdays until I see the date & then I say to myself Gog [uncle George] or whatever it is.
How are u? I don't seem to have heard for ages.
I hear all your dogs had children while you were away-what scenes there must have been on your return with twenty dogs all rushing out hunting, all more idiotic than ever, & you in hot pursuit, hairnet on head & whip in hand.
I bought The Best of Boulestin but the agony of translating for Marie makes it rather useless.
I hear you can't come to France any more for fear of being Drummoned by Diana & me for The Will.
Victor Cunard would like to marry you but we have had to forbid it-people sometimes ALTER their wills when they marry.
Dereling, many happy returns. No more now as I have much work to do.
I am told you can kill dogs painlessly & quite cheaply by gas, do think it over.
Love from N. "
Editor's notes: When the Mitfords lived at Asthall, Pamela had come down to dinner one day wearing a hairnet and Tom came up with the rhyme, 'The Woman, the Woman, the brave and the fairnet/ When she came down she was wearing a hairnet.'

and then a rather mindless one from Pamela to Diana, who was in prison during WWII due to Nazi sympathies.

"Darling Nardy,
I hope no bombs have dropped on the Prison yet. Max & Alexander [Diana's two youngest sons] are very well, except that Max has rather taken to not sleeping much in the day time. Nanny thinks he may be getting some teeth. He is now having milk from an Aryshire herd in the village which is not only T'[tuberculosis] tested but also Attested which is the very best that it could be. The other day I was out blackberry-ing with Alexander in his push chair & the most peculiar looking Aircraft came over which looked just like a huge toy one, it was so old fashioned. It was very low & at first I thought I saw figures standing between the double wings & holding on to the wires in readiness to jump off. When it arrived closer I could see that there were no figures & that it was English. It made a wonderful Nanny tease & I told her that I put Alxeander well out in the open so that he could be plainly seen his white coat & that I rushed into the hedge & hid! Nanny has to be teased a good deal, she enjoys it. Of course the darling dogs are a very good teasing subject, she thinks I take far too much notice of them & not nearly enough of her babies. She always comes into the library with me after dinner to hear the news & do some knitting. Alexander is to have a scarlet woolly coat made. His blue one looks lovely & I do hope you are not too cold; we can send you some warmer things if you want them.
In haste to get to Banbury & catch the post.
Love from Woman."
Although Pamela seemed to be the most mellow of the sisters, this letter shows proof of the teasing,callous,sarcastic vein which Nancy was the heiress of.

a great one from Nancy to Diana, Nancy had invited Decca (Jessica) and her family to stay with her in Paris, but as the time neared,she got cold feet and fled to Deborah's in England.

"Oh dereling oi am in great & terrible despair. I'm almost sure, from signs too long to explain, that the Truehafts have moved into rue Mr, & I can't bear it. I've written to Marie to say she must tell them you are both arriving on Monday for a few nights as this seems the only way to dislodge them. (I've sent 50 pounds for an hotel). I rang you up but you're away & when you get back darling I beseech you to telephone Marie & find out what's going on. No good me ringing up because when I did, & got onto Decca, she merely put on that stone walling voice & I could get nothing out of her except idiotic giggles.
I nearly got into an aeroplane today, but it is enormously inconvenient to do so & Debo [Deborah] very much dissuaded me. I have an utter mass of things in London next week & you know how it is-& have left most of my clothes there & so on.
If you talk to Marie (were you in paris you could make Mme Brard [Nancy's concierge] bring her out to the motor) tell her once they've gone they're not to be allowed into the flat again-she must shut all up & pretend to be away.
I know you'll feel for me & do what you can. (And Evelyn says I am a communist agitator (the comble [limit]).
All love,N"

All love,for now at least my derelings, oi am so twad oi feel I moight doi.


So in two days I will get on a plane at 6:40 am, and fly to Los Angeles. Then I dally for three hours there, board another plane for Frankfurt, have three hours there (see why I am bringing my yoga mat!), then a flight to Zagreb, then an hour, and the final flight to Dubrovnik.
Darn tooting. DERN tooting!
So my backpack is stuffed with Refresh tea, Stomach Ease tea, Roobios tea, Echinacea Immune Support tea- tea is especially important when you are traveling. You whole digestive system is RUINED every time you dislodge yourself from your natural time zone and habitat! And warm tea is something that not only soothes and calms your stomach, but also the warmth soothes your nerves and mind as well. Another plus is if you enjoy the whole tea ritual-sitting and drinking at a calm pace, enjoying the aroma and the sensory feeling of it.
I still am bickering with my suitcase over what is not NEEDED. But I like the soft brown shirt, oh that skirt doesn't travel well, blah blah blah. So eventually I just decided to wear the soft brown shirt on the plane. And a change of clothes, wash cloth, I must say I am SO GLAD I saw J.R. Liggett's bar shampoo,it will save a lot of room!
Things Thou Shalt Not Forget On The Plane
-warm socks
-wool seater and warm scarf
-your own washcloth
-your own water container
-travel pillow
-lavender oil
-if possible, your own dinner in plastic containers, mine shall be lentils, quinoa, arugula, Amy's vegan burger, and a snack of wheat free fig bars with peanut butter
-vitamins, so you don't forget them for a day
-change of clothes (that should be a given,but most people are oblivious to how much they stink after 14 hours of travel)
-chapstick (not the brand, I prefer Weleda)

My Sarcastic Darling

Yes, I am STILL laughing hysterically over the letters between the Mitford sisters. Alas I go in TWO DAYS so I cannot the lug the huge bloody thing with me, oi doi...and I got oi doi from THEM.
Here is Nancy's grumbly letter after a dishwasher episode, AREN'T we sisters?!

....."The washing up machine fused the lights. Tiresome, already against it, turned on me the look Monmouth turned on the headsman when his head was still on-I'm in thorough disgrace.
Woman [sister Pamela] on Wednesday. She seems to have cocktail parties every day in Paris. Wondair [wonder].
Later. Well the fuse was mended by an idiot boy & dirty plates (which she had already washed as far as I could see ) were put in the machine & there was a noise like a spacecraft going off for half an hour & then, like Howard Carter waiting for Ld [Lord] Carnarvon, she summoned me & we OPENED THE DOOR. My dear-washed and dried and polished. It's like a miracle & even Tiresome [her maid] is now forced to admit.
This letter is pretty dull-pray forgive.
Love, N."

If I must say so myself, I DO find it ENTIRELY refreshing to happen upon another soul, albeit deceased, who compares the sound of a dishwasher to that of a spacecraft going off.
Another one,this one pertaining to the fascinating world of, brace yourself, RODENTS.

"Dear Miss [one of many nicknames of youngest sister Deborah]
Feeling sure that I've got a dormouse in the garden (needle teeth getting at pears & apples on the tree) I looked it up in Ency. Brit. [Encyclopedia Britannica] "Before retiring it becomes very fat. Treated as a delicacy on the Continent." I looked it up in Larousse-alas the accent is on the word delicacy & the whole article devoted to how one can catch them. There are two way. You can bait a trap with gingerbread, of which they are passionately fond, or (hold everything) you can make a snug little nest & catch them while asleep. Honks [sister Diana] said Debo will never come again if you tell her that. In fact I may have to leave-but where for? Certainly not a land where they course hares. Meanwhile I'm off to buy some gingerbread as an innocent offering.
If I go to Blighty [England] about the 17th Nov. for a fortnight [two weeks], a few days in London to stock up with Pot I thought, could you have me to stay at Chatsworth? I am very much interested in Shetland ponies & would like to visit a few studs. Wife [sister in law of Deborah] has invited me for the Sussex Shetland Club Ball-will you ask her what date it is?
Do you know who comes next week? WOOMLINGS [yet another nickname for sister Pamela]. She dos. Of course she won't say which day, oh no no, but she is giving me the treat of bringing the dogs. Wondair [wonder]-oi doi.
Much love , N."
Here is the editor's note which explains the oi doi-I die.
"When the Mosleys [Diana and husband and sons] were living at Crowood, one of the farm workers used to act in a mummers' play, taking the part of St George going into battle against the dragon and reciting in a strong West Country accent, 'Ba'le to ba'le with thee,oi croi/Thoue upon this ground shall loi,/Clash of steel: oi doi."
I am sure this is lost on ALL of you readers, but I don't,no no,tis wondair to me,oh oi doi screaming [sisters' word for laughing].
Another, you ask? OH INDEED!
This is on the subject of hedgehogs.
"Dear Miss [It's Deborah,Duchess of Devonshire]
I say I've found the second hedgehog which I thought had been chased away. No-he's been with us all along unseen unsung, in an only fairly cosy nest in the unused green house. So I've made him more comfortable. But I'm slightly off hedgehogs since reading that their brain development is very low-only a shallow groove between the lobes. (How is Sophy's [Deborah's youngest daughter] groove? I liked to think of a brilliant genius scuttling about my garden & dreaming clever dreams all day propounding extravagant theories as to how the milk gets to him in an apparently cow-less suburb. Nothing's ever as nice as one thinks & here I am, landed with two halfwits.
That's all. Shall I see you in London? No don't start getting cross [mad] I've got your letter somewhere & will look. I'm very old & scared you see.
AHA! victory! I found the letter which makes me really feel a soulmate with these crazy sisters, alas the letter is from Unity who shot herself in the head but lived nine years longer,very sad.
I will just type the funniest part, we aren't fans of Nazism are we? NO

"...I do hope you are having lovely weather for your motor tour [road trip]. We have been having a heat wave for a week, but today alas it's raining.
The other day when it was boiling hot I found a secluded spot in the Englischer Garten [English Garden in Munich] where I took off all my clothes & sunbathed, luckily no-one came along. While I was lying in the sun I suddenly wondered whether Muv [their mother] knew I was sun bathing naked, like when she knew that you were bathing naked, & I laughed till I ached, if anyone had come along they would have thought me mad [crazy] as well as indecent."
oh I can relate TOTALLY to that.
Must rush off to do laundry,feed worms,nip to heiau,come back, nip off again!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Adolescent Highjinks

Yesterday, in my Grass frenzy I wanted to tell her something but I forgot, so I am writing about it instead.
My sister and I were quite CRAZY growing up. One incident which I never will forget is the Blue Footed Booby. One time we were watching a nature show which starred...you guessed it, the glorious Blue Footed Booby. The name alone is something to make the most uptight nun uncomfortable and red in the face (my experience). Anyway, my sister went out on the street, doing the Booby dance, and saying in a loud, high pitched faux British accent, "The Blue Footed Booby does it's famous mating dance to attract the opposite sex." (or something along those lines.)
But you have to know my sister to laugh even more about it. She is all legs and awkward, moving in alternation between quick and slow, so if you can imagine gangly limbs and knees scuttling on the street and knocking together, it's even more hilarious.
In my lascivious afternoon with Grass, I am positive I did some kind of weird dance at some point. In fact, I am sure it was with large, ugly sun hats on in Ross....too bad Grass's camera ran out of juice and she doesn't have photographic evidence...YET.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today I reunited with my good friend Grass, one I know from high school. After hours in her company, I realized HOW much alike we are yet again: spacing off all the time, we need to be practically screamed at to pay attention at times.
We met at Down to Earth,she was late, I was originally mad but got lunch while I waited: a hummus wrap (which sucked, my mom's is ACTUAL hummus) and a spaghetti broccoli salad. I have to dump all the sprouts out of the wrap as they kept getting stuck. So I chewed, munched, burped, giggled, and read the I Ching while I waited for my Sassy Lassy to appear.
And appear she did, in her full pale lunar glory. I noticed right away she was wearing some kind of torture device on her feet. She complained about her little feet, and we set off to get her some tea tree oil. We sampled delicious incense and scents but decided not to get any.
Then we walked to Ono Pono, where I accidentally scared my Hare Krsna friends by mentioning I communed with fairies and ancestors. Some people are very close minded.
We tired of the grass (no not you,dear)and went up to the Japanese Garden, and flopped down on my pareo in the shade. Grassy wrote postcards, I recanted hilarious episodes and tried not to fall asleep. It was determined that we move to the pavilion due to large red ants which tickled me.
Once at the pavilion, we laughed and discussed even more. The afternoon is actually a kind of vague haze, as it usually as, as we mostly walk,talk,laugh and sing like buzzed birds. We meandered back to Down to Earth as yours truly had a vegan carrot cake craving, and then to get the Grassy some appropriate footwear at Ross.
It is always exciting being at Ross, in particular the one by Ala Moana. I am often the only white and tall person there, and always the one making jokes and laughing hysterically. I modeled a disgusting lavender base ball hat with spikes on it, and Grass found her ideal walking wear: a pair of nylon ballerina house shoes. She looked like Peter Pan,foot wise, when she put them on.
Grass also informed me of many confidential, titillating things, which I swore on my green eyes and full heart not to tell.
But a picture is a thousand words.
Thank you Grass, you wonderful,spacey,funny,cute,smart,flitting effervescence of a lady.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


finally looked up about my astrological situation (I know you don't believe in such mumbo jumbo Grass...) so accurate

Individuals born on the cusp of Libra (the seventh Sign of the Zodiac) and Scorpio (the eighth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Venus and Pluto. Here, the fair judgment of Libra adds intuition to the cool, precise skill of Scorpio. The end result is something quite remarkable...if care is taken in development. Coupled with the inherent Libra craving for excitement is the bold and pleasure-seeking Scorpio mind, which is strong in self-control and determination, standing ready to carry into action whatever seems worthwhile. However, the ability to turn ideas into accomplishments often produces a marked egotism among these cuspians, which is all the more reason why they should seek higher goals in culture, education and social life. Whatever is achieved by these individuals, they will cling to with much tenacity and they can easily drift into narrow-mindedness and unscrupulous behavior if not careful. These are souls who are easily flattered, particularly by popular acclaim, and flare into anger toward those who oppose their schemes. Yet, when intuition and judgment are developed to their fullest extent, these are not only dynamic persons, but ones who are endowed with the rare presence of mind customarily found in the fields of medicine and the military.

The Libra/Scorpio cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Drama and Criticism, corresponds symbolically to the period of life at around the age of forty-nine, a time when the midlife period is ending and middle age is approaching. This period can be characterized by ten themes of Drama and Criticism. There is a heightened sense of the drama of life...both in a philosophical and personal sense...which leads to an increased awareness of the dynamics of an individual's existence...both past and present. Thus, a highly crucial attitude emerges that cuts away careless generalizations and sloppy thinking, aiming for the essence of truth. Such an attitute may lead to profound changes in personal relationships, how leisure time is spent and, in general, a re-evaluation of a person's place in the world. These cuspians possess large personalities which could prove too much for anyone to handle. Their influence not only dominates their immediate circle, but goes far beyond. Such influence is undoubtedly personal for these are indeed charismatic souls. Yet, there is a strong indication of the intellectual in this make-up. Ideas are normally well thought out and essentially highly developed. Libra/Scorpio cuspians usually have something to say on almost any subject and their penchant for preaching makes them very capable as teachers...whether professionally or informally...and their students will invariably come to depend heavily upon the Libra/Scorpio individual for guidance.

This cusp melds the airy (or mental) nature of Libra with the watery (or emotional) characteristics of Scorpio...not necessarily an easy task. Many times, the two aspects of this personality are at war with each other...the head guiding and the heart denying (or vice versa). Hence, these natives can find themselves in a deep dilemma when the intellectual and emotional clash. Periods of indecision associated with Libra may be broken by outbursts of aggression inherent in the Scorpio nature. Alternatively, the customary self-assured determination of Scorpio may be undermined by the Libra love of repose and tendency to procrastinate. Cultural awareness and a talkative nature will help these individuals to shine in any social situation and they are experts in communication and abstract reasoning. Yet, at times, the tensions and disappointments of life may prove to be overwhelming, so much so that those governed by this cusp may retreat into isolation. Therefore, Libra/Scorpio individuals benefit from physical exercise, fitness training, sound diets and all activities that promote healthy contact with the world at large, thereby lessening the unfortunate bent toward isolation. Mentally, these are perceptive and sharply insightful souls. However, they do possess a certain sense of personal infallibility coupled with a tendency to be overly critical. The disapproving or denigrating attitude of these cuspians can hurt those close to them, undermining the confidence of others in subtle ways. Friends and family will need to fight back against such negative exepctations and predictions, not only to protect but also to liberate themselves, and those governed by this cusp should seriously consider learning how to back off, keeping their opinions to themselves, or even letting go of them completely.

Libra/Scorpio natives have a decidedly modern approach in many areas, but they also harbor an undeniable sense of tradition. This is particularly apparent in their devotion to parents and children, in whose lives they play a large role...sometimes a little too large. Still, that is not to say that these cuspians will readily accept the values of their parents. Indeed, it is usually quite the opposite. The attachment here is more emotional. After a normally stormy and rebellious adolescence, those born on this cusp often return to an extremely close relationship with their parents later in life. As responsible as the majority of those ruled by this cusp seem in most areas of everyday life, they possess a side which is undeniably wild and unpredictable. Dramatic and impulsive, they will fly in the face of society's moral codes without hesitation, asserting their personal values or expressing themselves both cogently and flamboyantly. Even the mildest of individuals ruled by the Libra/Scorpio cusp tend to be somewhat exhibitionistic...wanting and needing others to take notice of them. Here, the private life may well include a plethera of love affairs...a path strewn with the broken hears of those with whom they have had relationships. The particular brand of charisma, impulsiveness and mental powers associated with these natives makes them formidable individuals. When it comes to involvements, they may be even more than a little dangerous given their natural talent for being seductive, attractive, commanding and intense.

Highly motivated and usually loyal, those governed by this cusp are often misunderstood and may be perceived as dictatorial or sarcastic. If there is an ulterior motive, they can indeed be overbearing, but normally in a subtle, sly or manipulative manner. These are individuals who are both mystical and scientific...a combination that results in high awareness of what is truly happening around them. Since this cusp is associated with a passionate nature, care should be taken to avoid self-indulgence or compulsion. In addition, there is no doubt that this blend of Signs has a tendency toward a definite lazy streak. Still, this is generally barely perceptible given the enjoyment of difficult pursuits that challenge these persons to excel...and they refuse to be anything less than the best. There may also be an affinity here for activities that allow them to get out into nature. Capable of extraordinary originality, Libra/Scorpio natives are clever in business and quick to seize an opportunity. Not necessarily bothered with any particular scruples, they appear not to hold the truth in the consideration it deserves, often surrounding their affairs with much secrecy and mystery. These cuspians are apt to suffer with rheumatism and nervous prostration. There may also be ailments of the back, kidneys and stomach.

The greatest strength of Libra/Scorpio cuspians is to be found in their drive for peace and harmony, coupled with a determination to see things through to the end. The natural skill for seeing all sides of a situation, coupled with enormous passion and great strength, makes this combination one of the most powerful characters of the Zodiac.

The most important lesson to be learned by Libra/Scorpio natives is to develop their natural ability to think and act promptly since there is a tendency here to delay things or mull them over for so long that it proves to be costly. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Taurus/Gemini and Sagittarius/Capricorn combinations.

-- Possess the theaterical traits inherent in Libra --
-- Possess the serious, deep-feeling and critical traits inherent in Scorpio --
-- Counted among the most critical individuals of the Zodiac --
-- Possess a facile mind and sharp tongue --
-- Sought out for honest opinions --
-- Tend to hold nothing back --
-- Once committed to a project, will refuse to stop until completion is attained --
-- Need to learn how to relax and have fun --
-- Need to concentrate on the future while still living for today --

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Man and Wife Roll Their Eyes

Nine in the third place means:The spokes burst out of the wagon wheels.
Man and wife roll their eyes.

Here an attempt is made to press forward forcibly, in the consciousness that the obstructing power is slight. But since, under the circumstances, power actually lies with the weak, this offensive is doomed to failure. External conditions hinder the advance, just as loss of the wheel spokes stops the progress of a wagon. We do not yet heed this hint from fate, hence there are annoying arguments like those of a married couple. Naturally this is not a favorable state of things, for though the situation may enable the weaker side to hold its ground, the difficulties are too numerous to permit of a happy result. In consequence even the strong man cannot so use his power as to exert the right influence on those around him. He experiences a rebuff where he expected an easy victory, and he thus compromises his dignity.

[] Six in the fourth place means:
If you are sincere, blood vanishes and fear gives way.
No blame.

If one is in the difficult and responsible position of counselor to a powerful man,one should restrain him in such a way that right may prevail. Therein lies a danger so great that the threat of actual bloodshed may arise. Nonetheless, the power of disinterested truth is greater than all these obstacles. It carries such weight that the end is achieved, and all danger of bloodshed and all fear disappear.

0 Nine in the fifth place means:
If you are sincere and loyally attached,
You are rich in your neighbor.

Loyalty leads to firm ties because it means that each partner complements the other. In the weaker person loyalty consists in devotion, in the stronger it consists in devotion, in the stronger it consists in trustworthiness. This relation of mutual reinforcement leads to a true wealth that is all the more apparent because it is not selfishly hoarded but is shared with friends. Pleasure shared is pleasure doubled.

Nine at the top means:
The rain comes, there is rest.
This is due to the lasting effect of character.
Perseverance brings the woman into danger.
The moon is nearly full.
If the superior man persists,
Misfortune continues.

Success is at hand. The wind has driven up the rain. A fixed standpoint has been reached. This has come about through the cumulation of small effects produced by reverence for a superior character. But a success thus secured bit by bit calls for great caution. It would be a dangerous illusion for anyone to think he could presume upon it. The female principle, the weak element that has won the victory, should never persist in vaunting it-that would lead to danger. The dark power in the moon is strongest when the moon is almost full. When it is full and directly opposite the sun, its waning is inevitable. Under such circumstances one must be content with what has been achieved. To advance any further, before the appropriate time has come, would lead this misfortune.

I Ching