My goodness,I totally forgot I even started a blog! JEEPERS!! It's been more than a year! Today is a voggy day.I live a few islands away from dormant volcanoes, and when the wrong winds blow,they blow the vog right into my house.Perfect.My throat is dry and it hurts to talk, and I have to restrain myself from my usual walking and biking regime.You see,when you exercise in vog,it gets ingested even more in your lungs and can leave you sick and sore and grouchy (been there done that).
Any who, I was just thinking of an exercise (no,not cardiovascular!)
An Analogy of the Anatomy
My head:is very small I've been told.I have a lot fine soft hair.I've hit my head on a cinderblock wall once, when my yoga class was doing backbends on those rubber exercise balls.I somehow managed to roll off mine and my head hit the wall.Tears,confusion,the gamut! And a nice bump to complete the experience.
My eyes: are large but I have an extra quantity of skin on my eye lids, so my eyes are quite hidden.They used to be pale green but are now a mossy shade, and the edge of the iris is darker than the inside.I have great eye sight,thanks to a childhood munching on carrots,my preferred snack. I've got naturally arched and caterpillar like eyebrows, which I like to rub around when I'm deep into a book.But this sometimes leads to a few hairs being removed by mistake.
My neck is very ticklish and it gets hot or cold quite easily.I love to wear scarves but it's much too warm where I live.
I think the part I like best are my feet.They have a high arch,are very narrow and strong from 15 years of ballet classes.I can walk barefoot just about anywhere with no problems.Also, my second and third toes are connected, slightly webbed, which is one of the signs of the Buddhas.I just discovered this interesting fact very recently.Also my thumbs are slightly webbed.Guess that explains my yearnings to go to India,Nepal and Bhutan for a long time.
I've got lots of constellations of "beauty marks" on my face, I like to think they mean something, but who really knows!
I think we are so lucky to be in this form of a body,but I would love to experience another form..Particularly a cat. I have a lot of signs that I was a jaguar in a past life, and I adore cats, so maybe that would be one for me to try.Of course we don't really have any power or control of what our next life will be as.All we can do is work for the path towards enlightenment.I haven't had any success,where I am now is not a conducive place to try to attempt that.
well as usual I've gotten off topic.
back to my tea!